While this is interesting, how much time to you have to have on your hands to figure this stuff out? I mean, are you just sitting around one day, folding your twenty dollar bill and suddenly – wham-o! You realize that you’re seeing pictures in it? [via Daypop]
7 replies on “Interesting, But…”
Heh heh. This reminded me of the foldable back page of Mad Magazines 🙂
That’s actually obnoxiously disturbing. Why are people comparing pictures from folded bills to the 911 tragedy? Very faint resemblance.
Very strange. I completely agree with Kristine, it is obnoxiously disturbing.
I don’t like it at all. I thought it was going to be a link to something silly and probably perverted (shows you what kind of links I follow) but that just really left a sick feeling in my stomach. Just the tone of it, like it was a parlor trick, “Immediately See the Pentagon Ablaze,” is what makes it particularly bad.
Seems like something that someone with a particularly sick sense of humor came up with while bored & at work.
While I agree with the above comments re the inappropriate handling of the subject matter, I have to admit that I do stuff like sit around and fold bills while on the phone. Some people doodle, I rip, tear and fold. Nervous habit maybe.
I think it amy have been destiny, I mean how did resembling pictures of 9/11 end up on the new 20