I get addicted to Bejeweled EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. So I decided to be an enabler and share.
By Christine
Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.
omg! i used to have that on my old computer.
what ever you do, don’t play Marbles
or this one IT IS EVIL!!!!!!!
No! Not Bejeweled!! Must. Go. Away!!
It’s too HAAARRRRD! And damn you for getting putting this on your blog! 😛
great! I had a work to do tonight that I need to present tomorrow: Now I don’t care!
Ok, that is FREAKISH, since I just clicked over to your blog from the evil Bejeweled. I actually thought for a moment that a pop-up ad had followed me over here!
Oh no, not again! I needed YEARS to get rid of the yearning feeling to play it every day for hours, and now it’s back!
Nice new design, though, congrats!
I’ve been looking for my drug of choice for a while, cuz I can’t find it anymore! It’s a sliding marble game where you have to get the whole row of 5 marbles to match…I think. Then more marbles slide. You use the arrow keys. Someone help me find it so that I can give up hours of my day to this evil pastime again!
oh no, you’re going to get me hooked again too! have you played chuzzle? it’s similar, but with cute fuzzy creatures 🙂
Greatttttttt. Like I don’t already waste enough time playing this game on my phone while I’m at my pool matches!! 😉
Dude. No. I have been weaned from these type of games since I left my old boring job. It appears that a good job does not deter someone (me) from being lured back in.
you can put Bejeweled on your iPOD? 🙂
i have it as a widget on my Google homepage, and i play it occasionally… but i’m playing (or not playing) Sims 2 right now. 😀
yeah, because I need another reason to not fold laundry. sheesh. Thanks, I think!
Just thought I’d say hi as I’m trying to visit and comment on as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can. 🙂
14 replies on “It is Like Crack…”
Heeee I have it on my ipod.
omg! i used to have that on my old computer.
what ever you do, don’t play Marbles
or this one IT IS EVIL!!!!!!!
No! Not Bejeweled!! Must. Go. Away!!
It’s too HAAARRRRD! And damn you for getting putting this on your blog! 😛
great! I had a work to do tonight that I need to present tomorrow: Now I don’t care!
Ok, that is FREAKISH, since I just clicked over to your blog from the evil Bejeweled. I actually thought for a moment that a pop-up ad had followed me over here!
Oh no, not again! I needed YEARS to get rid of the yearning feeling to play it every day for hours, and now it’s back!
Nice new design, though, congrats!
I’ve been looking for my drug of choice for a while, cuz I can’t find it anymore! It’s a sliding marble game where you have to get the whole row of 5 marbles to match…I think. Then more marbles slide. You use the arrow keys. Someone help me find it so that I can give up hours of my day to this evil pastime again!
oh no, you’re going to get me hooked again too! have you played chuzzle? it’s similar, but with cute fuzzy creatures 🙂
Greatttttttt. Like I don’t already waste enough time playing this game on my phone while I’m at my pool matches!! 😉
Dude. No. I have been weaned from these type of games since I left my old boring job. It appears that a good job does not deter someone (me) from being lured back in.
you can put Bejeweled on your iPOD? 🙂
i have it as a widget on my Google homepage, and i play it occasionally… but i’m playing (or not playing) Sims 2 right now. 😀
yeah, because I need another reason to not fold laundry. sheesh. Thanks, I think!
Just thought I’d say hi as I’m trying to visit and comment on as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can. 🙂
I forgot how addictive that game is 🙂