Remember that resolution (H. Res. 153) that I talked about the other day? Well, it passed. I get enough humility, prayer and fasting with my own religion (the one I chose), thankyouverymuch. I don’t need the government telling me I need more.
By the way – speaking of fasting and religion – it’s Friday. If you’re Catholic, you’re not supposed to eat meat today. (Because it’s also Lent.) This is your friendly public service announcement, because I always forget.
10 replies on “It Passed…”
The Senate passed it, too, though I noticed it was with a March 17, 2003 date… I guess the St Patrick’s Day revelers missed out on that one!
I wonder what they’ll think when Satanists use this new law to bring back human sacrafice?
It passed by a huge majority. I’m apalled. Guess that old saying is true “it’s freedom of religion not freedom from religion.”
I always forget about Friday. Something about meat just tastes better then ;).
this is just not right. i supposedly have freedom of religion but here they are telling me that I have to take a day to pray and starve myself in the hopes that some god will help us kill other human beings. good grief.
No meat? Well, that might put a damper on clubbing, tonight! Can i still drink?
oops, i ate meat today.
Oh dear you got me stressed! I had forgotten we were Vendredi Saint, whatever that is in english. But then, I never have classes on Fridays, and in highschool, having a break would mean something was up and I was with my family then, too. So. But – I got stressed for nothing, I don’t eat meat. I’m such an idiot. Thank you for this moment, Christine.
apparently, my university campus is catholic too. because they were only serving fish patty sandwiches today…how unappetizing.
i’m not religious, and even *I* know that Friday is no-meat day… why else dya think that the soup of the day everywhere is clam chowder?
wait, i guess i’m religious now… because, you know, that’s the only way i can show support for our troops.