Nicole and I are going to run for office. Don’t you think it is a good idea? I mean, if the world isn’t a better place with us in power, at least it would be a lot more fun!
Plus she makes the coolest hats. Did I mention that she made me a hat? She did, it rocks, and I love it. I need to post a picture of me in the hat – it should be in the 40s in Houston tonight, so I think I shall wear the hat one more time before the heat of summer takes over!
4 replies on “Next, The World!”
I can see it now:
“So Ms President, we’re being invaded by Canada.”
Better yet, we could invade Canada and add another star or twenty to the US flag. 😉 Can I be the Minister of Silly Walks? Ooh better yet, Surgeon Specific! 😀
Any worker bees in the cabinet should be required to wear a specially made hat. *grin*
you got my vote christine!