Want to feel like a complete idiot? Forget about renewing the domain name for Blogomania.com. Ugh. “Gee, what’s up? Why can’t I get my e-mail?” Well, on a positive note, Blogomania has reached the 1 year anniversary mark. On a negative note, for today you can only reach the site through the IP address. Everything should be back to normal by tomorrow morning if not sooner, and no clients are effected by this except for the fact that I suspect e-mail is bouncing. Ugh.
15 replies on “It’s a Monday…”
Been there… done that… got the t-shirt (and the silly look on my face!)
Oops… At least you realized it before someone else snatched up the domain name. I’ve seen that happen before. That would’ve been icky.
Oops! You’ve been busy the last few weeks, haven’t ya? 😉 LOL! I’m glad its all in process of working again though 🙂
Just in case anybody needs to know, it looks like the forums and helpdesk need to get specific filenames to get into them: these links to the
Help Desk and Forums should work for now if anybody needs something today! 🙂
Dunno if you got my e-mail this weekend, but blogblogbaby.com is about to expire, too — I need to figure out how to transfer that and renew as well. 🙂
Thank goodness it was something so simple.
I’m in the market for a new host and was checking out Blogomania last night. Then this morning, when I came back to compulsively read everything again… nothing.
“Hmmm, this isn’t a good sign,” I said to myself.
But I think y’all can expect me to join the herd very soon.
Since about mid-morning, everything looks back to normal at the forums and the main pages. Christine, if you need a secretary, I’m available. 😉
I still can’t see Blogomania.com – but ISPs play a role in all of this too, so I suspect that tomorrow all will be fine here. *whew!*
Well, just to let you know I can see the blogomania site when I type in blogomania.com so hopefully everywhere else will be ok
Happens to everyone, at lest you caught it quickly!
It started working for me mid-way through the day, so yay! It should show up for you soon, I’m sure of it 🙂 Hope you had a great day today!!!!
You mean you don’t want to go into the porn site biz, just like me???
I had an old domain that I let expire (on purpose, I wasn’t going to use it anymore), and Robyn told me that someone bought it and re-directed it to a porn site.
Be careful! 🙂
Hmm. I thought my inbox seemed a bit slow today, although I have been getting some mail…maybe I’m just unpopular today…naw, blame it on Christine 😉
I didn’t notice any problems with e-mail today: just as much spam as usual! (My regular daily mailings came through too.) I’ve been delighted with Blogomania as a host…having the “personal touch” is really awesome – and I might have to upgrade from the Basic to the Standard plan soon! 🙂
Hehe, that’s why I love my registrar … they send an email 60 days before the domain expires, 30 days before the domain expires, 15 days, 10, and 5. You’d think I would have re-registered the domain after all that, wouldn’t you? Nope, still forgot until the day before. 😉
Hey, microsoft forgot to re-register their own domain only a year or so ago and almost lost it but for a nice guy who reregistered it and gave it back to them. 🙂