Think your job sucks? I’m watching window-washers on the building across from me. It’s cold, icky & rainy outside, and there is a definite nip to the air – but there they are on the scaffold, washing windows 40 floors up. So really, does your job suck as bad as you thought it did when you look at from that perspective?
13 replies on “It’s All About Perspective…”
My definitive answer to that question is no… and, er, yes! So maybe not so definitive. At least they know what they did when they are done. And how many meetings and pre-meetings and post-meetings do they have. So my job isn’t physical nor outside, but something in me says that there is more to defining a job than perspective.
i was almost worried that you wouldn’t be able to blog from work… but you can! and of course, it was obvious based on the time stamps…
I got yer perspective right here. LOL
Now why would you wash windows on a rainy day?
They get to commune with nature and have an excellent view… What’s their complaint? 😉
Although why they’re washing windows in the rain is interesting… Maybe they’re with some government spy agency…
They’re out to get… The Sporks!!
That reminds me of the Barenaked Ladies song “When I fall”. It’s about a window washer. 🙂
Hmmm I suppose.. I really have no need to moan LOL..
Something like that always gives me perspective. When I drive by the guy who scoops up the roadkill from the streets, I think “man, I might just be lucky”.
See, I could NOT handle hanging off of the side of a building. No way, no how. I would be terrified, so it’s one of the worst jobs I could imagine.
By the time they were out there the rain had stopped, and I don’t think it had ever started back up again – so it was just overcast & icky the rest of the day.
…at least they’re working…
I’ve had crappier jobs, and no, I don’t want to bore/scare your readers with a list of them. 🙂
The window washers at work scare the hell out of me, I sit with my back to the window. I’ll hear a thump and all of the sudden, there’s someone behind me, and it’s FREAKY. So no, I suppose my job isn’t nearly as harsh as that. Although, there is something slightly appealing about that kind of physical work. I would imagine it’s better than being stuck in a cubicle 40 hours a week.
For real, I have always though window washers have the coolest jobs. I can only imagine the twisted things they see…
Plus, have you noticed that they are almost always serious beefcake?
I got yer perspective!
Christine asked for a little perspective. I have to say that I have contemplated this question of hers and I