I’m looking at the temperatures right now – High: 88°, Low: 60°, Current: 78°, Pollen: Moderate, Ozone: No warning. See? That’s all I want. However, I would like days like that in the middle of summer, rather than having to wait until September 21st for them. Demanding, I know. By now I would like my highs in the 70s – it is September after all.
The fact that the pollen is moderate is very important too. Normally it’s so high that being outdoors isn’t pleasant thanks to allergies. Not today – I’m sitting on the patio enjoying the weather, surfing in the shade while enjoying the sunshine. (Wireless. 802.11b. I highly recommend it.)
Really, that’s all I want. Then Houston would be a much better place in my eyes.
7 replies on “It’s All I Want…”
….is there a petition or something i can sign to make sure this happens???….
I agree but I think we can dream on! It just seems to get hotter every summer. I hate Texas.
It’s not that I hate Texas. (Okay, there are Some parts of it I could live without.) It’s just that the heat has Got to GO!! Maybe we can give it to Montana, or Idaho. They have so few people up there, so who’s going to even notice??
Maybe we could give the heat to North Dakota, and they could use it in the middle of winter? Sounds like a plan to me!
prayin that its still that nice (or nicer) on the 30th when i’m in town for the day.
I am loving this weather. It’s gorgeous! I too am relaxing outside with a 802.11b connection. 🙂
Hrm, seems to me like if you don’t like the heat, you might be better off someplace where it’s not as hot during the summer 😉 Like maybe Maine? I SO want 802.11b, but I can’t afford it yet :\ So I’m stuck with doing my computing next to an open window for at least a few more months 🙂