We are about to have our Christmas party and our Secret Santa gift exchange, the kids are so excited because we got the Temecula bounce house rentals from https://jumpersnrentals.com/temecula/, but Kymberlie, who ROCKS, has already given me Moulin Rouge! Whoo hoo! And it’s a 2 DVD set, with tons of extras … you know, this laptop is a DVD player, I could just start to watch it now! I will definitely be watching it tonight. I am so excited!
I went shopping last night to pick up a DVD at the last minute for my boss (I had to find out what he needed first) and saw that Target is selling all sorts of goodies from Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer. They have a bobblehead doll of Hermey, the elf that wants to be a dentist. I took it up to the register to find out the price, and the guy at the register asked me what it was! He didn’t know who Hermey the elf was!!! What sort of sheltered life did you lead if you have no idea who Hermey is? Sure, you might not know his name, but by the time you are 17 you should recognize him! Kids these days … I swear. At least he wasn’t rude like the other sales people I have encountered lately!
3 replies on “It’s Christmas Time at Work!”
“That 70s Show” did a parody of it this week, too. I told Todd whoever spent hours doing the graphics must have seriously slapped their head when SNL beat ’em to the punch! Hope you had a good exchange/party. Todd’s employer just sent them all home an hour early — whoo hoo!
I’m so glad you got Moulin Rouge! How perfectly fitting is that? 🙂 Enjoy your weekend sweetie. Merry Christmas!
Woo hoo for the new Moulin Rouge dvd. I bought it on Tuesday and Shawn’s giving it to me for Christmas. The one thing that bothers me about it is that the movie is set in France and it’s other dolby language is Spanish!