
It’s About Love…

I have never been a big fan of Nicole Kidman. That was until I saw Moulin Rouge. She was amazing in that movie. The movie itself was amazing. I can’t wait to watch it again, it was so good! And I’m not alone in that thought – she received TWO best actress nominations – one for Moulin Rouge, and one for The Others! I haven’t seen The Others yet – I wanted to but never made it to the theater while it was out. Moulin Rouge was also nominated for Best Musical/Comedy, and Ewan McGregor is up for best actor. It’s out on video now, so if you haven’t seen it – pick up the video or DVD!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

10 replies on “It’s About Love…”

Hey now, Tom Cruise helped her career! Seriously though, I have never cared for Nicole. Ever since seeing the movie “Eyes Wide Shut”, I actually feel sick to my stomach when I even hear the mention of her name. I felt “embarrassed” watching her in that movie. It’s hard to explain, but there are times when I find someone’s actions or behavior so disturbing, I am uncomfortable watching it. While I realize she was just *acting*, there was a certain truth about that movie that made me feel I was actually seeing her for what she is…

Ah yeah, I totally regret not seeing that in the theater. It won’t be the same at home, but I hear the DVD is loaded. Hope to rent it and maybe buy it if its really as good as I hear.

Now if only some enterprising hacker would make a “real” soundtrack from the DVD and post the mp3s, I would be complete.

Her level of acting in this movie is *great*. I will say, I never saw “Eyes Wide Shut”. That looked like one of the strangest movies ever made and I had no desire to see it, plus like I said – I liked her in Malice but not much else. This movie … ah, it is *wonderful*. And the DVD is loaded!

I think Nicole Kidman has more talent in her little finger than Tom in his whole body. I got the latest issue of InStyle with Penelope on the cover and all I kept thinking was just because you’ve lightened your hair and have Nicole’s leftovers, no one will be as talented and stalwart as miss. kidman. BRAVO for the brilliant Moulin Rouge!

Maybe I’d like Nic more if I watch Moulin Rouge. I just think I haven’t had a really good movie that I super liked yet with her in it. I think the only one I really like that she’s in is Batman Forever, and I’m not so hot on her in that one LOL!

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It’s About LOVE

Naomi and I just went to see Moulin Rouge – I seriously just got home, and it was so imazing the first thing I had to do was look up more about it online. I feel like I am buzzing like a bee right now! Fling! About all I can say about the movie is *WOW*. I loved it. Here are what some of the critics had to say – I picked the ones that summed up my feelings pretty well…

“It’s all very festive, like a party you didn’t really want to go to but then can’t leave once you get there.” (Joe Baltake, SACRAMENTO BEE) After the opening musical scene Naomi had this look on her face like she was simply scared. One of those “WHAT movie did you make me go see?” expressions. It only took another scene or two though for us to really get into it, and by the end we were both speechless.

“A film as unpredictable as the love it celebrates — you keep falling in and out of this giddy affair.” (Rick Groen, CANADIAN GLOBE AND MAIL) You know what? Once I fell “in” I never fell “out” of it again.

“Historical purists and those who enjoy only sedate films are likely to be infuriated by what Luhrmann has done here, but who cares?” (James Berardinelli, JAMES BERARDINELLI’S REELVIEWS) Be careful who you take to go see this movie. Kymberlie would love it, Naomi loved it, my parents? They would *hate* it. I can only think of a few men that would like it. You have to be very open to viewing things from an unusual angle. I am pretty easy to please when it comes to movies – but this was phenominal. I must, simply must, get it on DVD when it comes out.

“Weird? Definitely — but also strangely compelling.” (Robert W. Butler, KANSAS CITY STAR) Oh yes. That sums it up so well. When the characters start to say “Love lifts us up where we belong…” and there is a scene where they sing “Roxanne” by the Police (that was in the previews or clips on tv, so I was expecting it) you think to yourself that it is weird. Without a doubt. But as Naomi put it, to have such vision to use the imagery, the modern music, and everything else that they did in the movie is amazing. That takes incredible talent.

We have already decided that this is one of those movies that we have to see twice just to pick up on the nuances that we missed the first time. It was a feast for all of my senses. I loved it. What an incredible movie!!!

The greatest thing you can ever learn is how to love and be loved in return.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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