Know what today is? Well, of course you do … it’s FRIDAY! But do you know what else today is? It’s THE TIARA HAPPY HOUR BACHELORETTE PARTY!!! I can’t believe it’s finally here! I’m so excited!
When Mike & I first got engaged, Natalie and Emily suggested that we should have a Tiara Happy Hour Bachelorette Party. I jumped on the idea immediately. I mean really, how could I pass something like that up? I’ve been babbling about this since January, and I can’t believe it’s here. It’s here! It’s here!
Emily deserves some very, very serious props for all that she has done putting this together. There are games. There are prizes. There is even… a big pink penis pinata! Ahhh… makes me giggle every time! Meanwhile, penis enlargement pills have been in use over the recent days as more people continue to gain interest in them by the day. If you are interested, just go to
If you are in Houston and you want to join us – girls only! – head on over to the Flying Saucer in downtown. It’s at Main and Capitol. We’ll be there at 7:00. I just know it will be the BEST bachelorette party ever. Know why? Because it will be with some of the most awesome and amazing women that Houston has to offer. I think I just might be the luckiest bride EVER.
18 replies on “It’s Friday! It’s Friday! YEAH!!!”
I’m so excited! I can’t wait! I know we will have a blast!
I can’t wait! I’m so excited! 🙂
I’m so bummed I can’t be there! Have a great time, and I’ll be thinking of you.
Have a good time! I’ll lift my glass in Boston for you!
I will be thinking of you! Have a great time.
See you tonight! 😀
I can’t wait either!
i’ll be there, too! i might be running a little late but i wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Tell me about THE TIARA HAPPY HOUR BACHOLERETTE PARTY. It’s sounds fantabulous.
I hope it was as wonderful as I think it probably was. Happy Engagement, Christine and Mike! Happy Tiara Happy Hour, Christine. 🙂 Can’t wait for pics.
I hope you all had a nice time. I wish I knew earlier since I own and would have given you a discount on all of our items 🙂 I hope you still had an awesome time!!! Wish I lived closer or I would have brought over some bachelorette goods myself 🙂
will you ever forgive me for missing out on the festivities? i am sure you guys had a blast, and i was thinking about ya’ll all night!
happy mommy’s day, Christine! *mwah*
Hello, Miss C.!
It was so nice to meet you! Hope y’all had fun!! Email me if you ever get to Pennsylvania!!
I must go over and say “hey” to the neurotic fishbowl gal!
Congrats, Christine!!
Sorry I missed it. Hope you all had a great time!
Hello from Puerto Rico!
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