Dear Facebook,
I love you, but it just isn’t working out. It is not you, it is me. You give me these morsels of juicy goodness, that feed my FOMO. It is bad for me, and it has got to stop.
FOMO? What is FOMO, you ask? Ironic, I discovered FOMO on Facebook. It is Fear of Missing Out.
I suffer from it. I want to read everything you have to say. Every last bit of it. Which is toxic for me.
I need to take a break. I really hope we can still be friends. I mean, I’ll be checking in from time to time and all that. But I have to break this cycle of FOMO.
Without you, I got so much housework done yesterday. Grocery shopping. I watched a movie. I knit. I worked on Spoon & Knife. The world moved on by on Facebook, and I was blissfully unaware. It was a little incredible. I was still there for you a little bit – friends messaged me about things I had to reply to, and I maybe ranted on my Facebook Wall once late at night. (I was too weak to resist the booty call of Facebook. I’ll admit it.)
Overall, I felt good yesterday. Better than I have in awhile. Liberated.
I know you would want that for me, Facebook. You’re good to me like that. So I’ll see you around, but for now – we’re on a break. It just is not working out.
I really hope we can still be friends.
2 replies on “It’s Not You Facebook, It’s Me…”
Say NO to FOMO! I love it. I know how to get in touch with you 🙂
Without Facebook how can I possibly get ahold of you? Oh yeah… phone. Weird. 😉