Well, it’s almost showtime. Jason & my dad had tickets for the 3:30pm show today of Harry Potter, and I didn’t want to be left out! I didn’t get to leave at 4pm last Friday like I was supposed to, and next week I have to be AT the airport on Tuesday at 5am … so the boss said it was ok if I leave at 2:30 today so I can go too! Yeah!!! I was soooo jealous because Shawn got to see it yesterday, and Kymberlie is going to the show at noon (she took the day off just to see it!) so I just couldn’t stand it. I have to see it too! I am SO excited! Especially because I really wanted to be there the first time that Jason saw it. You know, there are just some movies that you always remember … I remember who I was with when I saw ET and Star Wars for the first time. I wanted to be a part of that memory for him. I haven’t read the books yet (he has read them all) but I like to see the movie first. For some reason, if I read the book first, the movie never fits with my mental image of the characters and I end up really hating the movie. But if I see the movie first, then reading the book just adds so many more details to the story that it’s pretty cool. (I am also the type of person that will re-read books.)
Tomorrow Jason leaves for North Dakota with my mom … gone for a week. And I haven’t talked to Nicole again about tomorrow – I think I can afford to go to the Ren Fest. I hope so. I really would love to go with her! Have to do the bills tonight – just got hit with an unexpected $130 one. Ouch! But the Ren Fest is too cool to pass up! I got by on minimal food spending money last week, so $40 should cover me. Hey Nicole, want me to join you still?
2 replies on “It’s Showtime!”
Woohoo! Have a great time. I’m going to see it tonight with my mom. Wow, the first night out without hubby or kids. I know what you mean about hating the movie if you liked the book. I refuse to ever watch a movie when I liked the book. If I hated the book, sometimes I’ll watch the movie and like it (like Animal Husbandry sucked, but the movie based on it, Someone Like You, was pretty good). Movie first, good, book first, bad. :o)
I was hearing on t.v. last night that E.T. is celebrating 20 years. Which means I was 10 when it came out. I’m looking into renting it or something. My kids have never seen it, and my oldest is 10. That would be neat, I think.
Enjoy the movie! I think it’ll probably be one we’ll be renting and bringing home, when it hits the shelves ;o)