
I’ve Got The Fever…

Yesterday, I just felt all over blechy. Hot. Miserable. I knew it wasn’t hot in the house, so I had no idea what was causing the craptastic feeling … until I took my temperature. Oh, could the 101 degree fever be the culprit?

I have so much stuff I wanted to get done yesterday and today, and now? Now I have no energy to do any of it. What really sucks is that there isn’t anything specific I can say is “wrong” with me either – my right ear hurts a little, but not much. I have a headache, but that is to be expected with the fever. Other than that, I just feel like crap.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “I’ve Got The Fever…”

allergies? the ear hurting could be a sign of stuffiness back there that’s not showing up in your nose. Also, if you’ve got a fever, you’re fighting something. Feel better.

Sooz, don’t say things like that! (I shouldn’t be though, but still…) I’m thinking it was between allergies and flying, I’ve messed up my ears and now they are battling it out. Ugh.

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I’ve Got the Fever…

Went to bed last night freezing cold; woke up at least 5 times that I can remember, and at one point decided I was just too hot so I got rid of the socks and sweatshirt I was wearing. Woke up this morning with no blankets on me, enjoying the cool air. I had hoped that my fever had broken during the night. It didn’t. It’s now 99.9 (it was 99.8 when I went to bed) and my “normal” is 97.9. Needless to say, I feel like hell.

I don’t think it’s the flu though. I went to take some Excedrin for my killer headache, and realized I could barely swallow. I got out the flashlight so I could play doctor, and if I didn’t know better – I would swear I had tonsellitis. However, they were removed back when I was in junior high!

I think it’s time to find a doctor that’s open on Saturdays…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “I’ve Got the Fever…”

I had my tonsils removed when I was 10, but I still got tonsellitis when I was in high school. How? Evidentally there was enough scar tissue left over from the surgery six years before to become infected again. Whee.

Hope you’re feeling better.

i was told that it’s a strange incarnation of the flu that’s going around this year… i had it the week before thanksgiving. i had a mild temperature (100.6) and i had mostly cold-like symptoms. whatever it is – i hope you’re feeling better soon! 🙂

i am so relived to find someone else who’s normal body temperature is always below “normal.” mine typically runs in the 97s as well, so a fever, for me, is 99 and above. but try explaining that to your doctor (i have proof though – i monitor my basal body temperature every morning).

i unwittingly found a doctor open on saturdays – mine. not that it helps you at all (unless you’d like to fly to maryland), but it is really nice to be able to go see your regular doctor on saturday if you need to, instead of waiting out the weekend, or going to the e.r. (if you feel that crappy).

feel better, honey, and do try to get to the doctor as soon as you can. i have a friend who’s had “the flu” for going on four weeks now – not pleasant.


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