
Hot, Hot, Hot!

A few weeks ago I had tried to call my general doctor of many years, and his office number no longer worked. I tried the new number I was given, but it was for a practice that didn’t list his name. I ended up seeing a cardiovascular doctor instead, so I didn’t pursue it any further.

Yesterday, I decided to try his number again. I called the new number and went through to the answering service. Turns out he is part of that practice now, and they called in a prescription for an antibiotic for me. Yeah! Meds!

However, the lumps in the back of my throat aren’t getting any better. I have a feeling that I have a few hours in my doctor’s office tomorrow morning ahead of me.

I woke up around 1:30 last night to go to the bathroom, and I realized that I felt really hot. I took my temperature and it was 101.1. I don’t think I’ve ever had a temp over 100.6 or so. Not only does my temp run low normally, but I rarely get a fever. 101.1?!? Damn!

Have you ever seen the commercial for the Excedrin that the woman takes without water while chasing her toddler around the house? I always wondered why you would ever need those. Any time I’ve ever needed an Excedrin, there has always been water nearby. Fortunately, my Dad received a sample package of them a few months ago and he passed them on to me. After taking my temp last night, I finally read the package. They dissolve in your mouth. Dissolve! In your mouth! You don’t have to swallow whole pills! Now I know when you need them – when the thought of swallowing a pill is simply agonizing because your throat is all lumpy! Now my fever is down somewhat, but the lumps aren’t. Other than a sore throat, I feel fine. A little achy, and I can’t push myself to do too much, but otherwise fine.

I’m bummed that I missed Chuck & Tiffany’s party last night – and the big news! (Congratulations!) And I missed Elaine’s birthday party. Whatever is causing this sore throat is not a gift I would want to give to anyone this holiday season, so it’s probably for the best.

By the way – “Down With Love” is a *great* movie to watch when you’re sick. I just love that movie!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Hot, Hot, Hot!”

Poor Christine – I am sooo sorry you missed it too and I hope you get better soon!! ALso, thanks ofr the card and the gift. 😀 That was very sweet of you and Mike. And if you don’t have New Year’s plans, don’t forget we will be throwing a party once again this year.

Hey i am sry that your so sick i hope that you feel better really soon so that you dont have to miss n e thing else thats important to you. Feel better soon…:) Jenna

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