Seems that they have discovered the Scientific Secret of Cuddling. “Human skin has a special network of nerves that stimulate a pleasurable response to stroking.” Not only does it feel good, but it feels good for a reason. Any volunteers? [via Gaby407, which has a link to Pixelog. Can anyone interpret that for me?]
7 replies on “Just Hold Me…”
I buy that. There’s something so satisfying about even getting a hug.
Okay. I’ll volunteer. 🙂
oh oh oh! Pick me, pick me! 😀
Are you offering to stroke me or cuddle?
Stroke, cuddle … whatever works for you. 😉
I agree with that too.
Insert Witticism About Touch Here
Christine linked to an interesting article over at NewScientist. It really oughtn’t be any surprise that there’s a scientific reason