Work got you down? Meeting after boring meeting day in and day out? Or are things driving you mad in the Blogosphere? Too many things going on in life? Well, my friends, I know just what you need …
The Titanium Spork! For the days you need to gouge someone’s eyes out, and a flimsy plastic fork just isn’t good enough! Spork posse! [via Matt]
14 replies on “Just What You Need!”
w00t!! Is there a webring for spork affectionados yet?
LOL I like it. 🙂
i don’t know if told you, but Tom had a coworker who wore a silver spork around his neck (like a charm).
titanium sporks are great for backpackers that need to minimize the weight they are carrying on a long trip. But besides that utilitarian need, titanium sporks look great next to my powerbook. 😉
I..I think I missed something with this whole “spork” phenom.
I love a good spork as much as anyone, but what exactly am I missing here?
Clueless in Oklahoma
A spork will always help you get in where you fit in, y0! It’s like a spizzoon and a fizzork, all wrapped into one! Courtney, do yourself a favor and roll hard with the spork posse, b/c they be definitely coming correct.
(I’m still waiting for Missy Elliott’s ‘Get Ur Spork On’ Remix!)
Must get one! It is just so perfect for camping and those days when your coworkers need a good sporking!
ROFL! Oh, yes. That puppy is MINE!!!
Werd 2 da Sporkahs! W00t!
Calm Down Beavis…
Yes, especially made for the Spork Posse, it’s the Snowpeak Titanium Spork. Damn! Why did I spend that tax refund…
It went well. Too well I think. I even tried to throw a few sporks into the interview, kinda of…
It went well. Too well I think. I even tried to throw a few sporks into the interview, kinda of…
Very entertaining read.