Would you think less of me if you knew that I really, really, really want a Barry Williams Autographed Photo, personally made out to me with “Have a Sunshine Day” or “To a totally groovy chick” inscribed on it? The Brady Bunch first aired the night before I was born. I think an autograph from Greg Brady is just the thing I need… Oh! Wait! There are autographed photos from Christopher Knight, aka Peter Brady, signed “Porkchops and applesauce”! Or how about “To the Brady in you”? These are just too wonderful!
Hmmm… my Dad is pretty hard to shop for – maybe I should get one of Tony Dow from Leave it to Beaver that says “Knock it off Squirt!”
If a Brady or Leave it to Beaver isn’t your thing, you can also get Sean Astin, Bernie Kopell, and many more![via Daria.]
9 replies on “Keep on Groovin’ …”
HA! Oh my goodness! I can’t BELIEVE you posted this.
Back when Barry Williams came out with his book back several years ago… (ten-ish?) I went to a book signing in Hollywood where he DID sign my book, “Have a sunshine day!”
I’m too much of a Brady fan for words – to the point of embarrassment. I’ve seen the Real Life Brady Bunch on stage three times… and. This is cool – Peter Brady grew up in the same neighborhood as my husband, and Marcia Brady went to high school with my sister-in-law.
So uh.
Yeah. I have a Very Brady Obsession.
i go through brady bunch phases. sometimes, no matter what i’m doing, if i catch an episode on tv, i have sit down to watch it. other times, just a quick peek at the 70s kitsch is enough to make me wanna puke. but i would love a picture of marcia or jan telling me to have a sunshine day. definitely.
I was salivating over the available autographs on there – I *just* mentioned Rowdy Roddy Piper this morning.
I wonder, though – isn’t Tommy Chong in jail now? Will they still let him sign autographs? Hmmm…looking at the site I see that “Dave’s not here, man” isn’t an available inscription. Guess I’m going to have to pass on that.
You should hurry up and get that autograph before he dies like the rest of these perfectly healthy, young celebrities.
when is the Brady Bunch coming out on DVD? i want Gidget to come out on DVD, too.
To this day, I cannot eat a porkchop without thinking of Peter in that episode!
Porkchoooooops and applesauce! *said with my best Peter Brady impression*
Chris, I think you are a great actor
I have read about Chris Knight in an interview. He is a very interesting person.