
The Pope and My Birthday…

They told me last night at the H-Town Happy Hour that I should be very careful admitting this, as the Catholic mafia may come and hunt me down or something … but I’m throwing caution to the wind.

Pope John Paul I died the day after my 9th birthday. September 28, 1978. I remember hearing on the news that he had died – watching TV before school, already in my Catholic school uniform. We talked about it in school and learned about the Papal election process. He was only pope for a month and two days, and after they held an election for a new pope, Pope John Paul II took his place.

Yesterday, I spotted on the Captivate monitors in my elevator at work that Pope John Paul II had to cancel his regular appearance because he is ill. He has actually been sick for some time now, as he is quite old. Hard to believe he has been pope for almost 25 years.

Just how freaky weird would it be if he died right around my birthday too? Not that I want him to – but I’m actually afraid that he will. Am I cursed? I mean, what is up with that?

Surely the Catholic mafia is going to be out to get me now…

(I should note that I am Catholic, in case you are wondering. And no, there isn’t really a Catholic mafia. That I know of.)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

17 replies on “The Pope and My Birthday…”

I am sorry I didn’t make it to the get together last night. I actually came to Cabo, but I could not find you guys. Hopefully next time I will be able to actually follow directions. *sigh*

do you work in greenway plaza?

that is a little freaky. maybe you should go light a candle or do a couple laps around the rosary. 😀

and, uhm, there is a catholic mafia. can’t really say much about it though … for obvious reasons.

John Paul I died before you were BORN??? AGH! I feel so OLD!

And … shhhhh… let’s not talk about that Catholic mafia, ok? I mean, I don’t want to attract too much attention, ok? (Yeah, like blogging about this Pope thing won’t do it.)

Kimberly – I work in downtown. One Houston Center to be exact. I’m so sorry they didn’t guide you up to us! They were supposed to! Grrr…

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