I have Tivo recording “The Amazing Race” right now because I had to get an update from everyone about Hurricane Lili which is now a Category 4 storm. Oh, wheee! What fun!
I think hurricanes are better than earthquakes or other natural disasters because we have a lot of advance warning about them. We’ve been watching this storm for a week and a half now. The down side to hurricanes? They are unpredictable as far as where they will hit. If you look at the map, the “strike zone” is a huge portion of the Gulf Coast.
Thankfully, I live on the Northwest side of Houston. We are far enough from the coast we normally don’t get 150mph winds – just a lot of rain. In times like this, that’s a good thing.
However, it should be noted that no one should worry about running out of Tabasco sauce. Avery Island, the home of Tabasco, is in the direct line of Lili’s fire. They have “prepared for a possible shut down of bottling operations.” They boarded things up and did all the things you do while waiting for a hurricane. “We’re bottling right now and we’re not anticipating anyone running out of Tabasco” according to the plant. Whew! Because you know, that could be quite a disaster in itself!
The wait-and-see game begins again. Ahhh, the joys of Texas life.
6 replies on “Lili Looms…”
When I saw the weather report this morning, I was thinking of you and Robyn both on either side of Lili… stay safe, love! 🙂
We have a NASTY high-pressure front over the FL peninsula right now (our temps are still in the mid-90s) and they said that’s the only thing that spared us. It shoved Lily over with nowhere else to go. Thinking safe thoughts for you. Thankfully the biggest threat of this storm is winds and storm surge, and you’re far enough away from the coast hopefully you’ll avoid the brunt of it.
I told Todd about the Tobasco thing earlier and he didn’t believe me! *g*
Ummm, if you could, turn all your fans on in your house and blow real hard towards the east … we could use a bit of that rain again. 🙂
Oh, and running out of tabasco sauce would be a horrible tragedy! Epic proportions and all that… 🙂
All these hurricaines! Oh, whew, well jeesh, at least parents can continue to use tabasco as a punishment with their kids’ potty mouths! How cruel is that? Ohhh, I remember it well.
We haven’t seen a hurricaine here (SE CT) in about 3 years. Warning or not, I survived a mild one and holy COW are they wild! Scary stuff…
okay, christine! enough already! i’m just reading your post about lili, and it sounds so similar to MY Lili post it downright SCARED me! heh heh
you guys are out enjoying H-Town right now, I’m sure…and I’m here because homework was tough tonite for little miss jr. mo. i’ll make it ONE day!
From first hand experience, tornadoes suck. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Btw, I don’t watch it, but one of the teams on “Amazing Race” goes to my church. Maybe I’ll start watching it just for that reason.