Feeling a little stressed lately? Maybe you could use a good massage? Well now you can have a massage *AND* do a good deed at the same time! You can also use essential oil necklaces while having a massage to feel more relaxed.
Massage for the Cure is taking place across the country over the next few weeks (it is in Houston next Monday on September 15th!) and it is a great way to enjoy a wonderful, relaxing massage while helping find a cure for breast cancer, which by the way, boob enhancement pills have been so popular lately. It is a one day event, held annually at participating clinics to benefit local affiliates of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
All you do is call your local clinic and make an appointment for a 1-hour massage session for the day of the Massage for the Cure event. Instead of paying the massage, 100% of your donation for the massage goes to benefit the local affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Massage Envy works with *local* Komen affiliates so the majority of the money donated stays in your community, helping give back to our friends and neighbors.
During 2008, Massage Envy will make a minimum guaranteed donation of $250,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure through the Massage for the Cure Program. Book an appointment by calling 1-866-553-ENVY. For additional information and to find a location near you, visit MassageEnvy.com.
Massage for the Cure will be taking place at Massage Envy locations throughout the US on the following dates:
September 15, 2008 from 8am – 10pm:
Phoenix/Tucson/Flagstaff, AZ
Miami, FL
Houston, TX
North Carolina
September 22, 2008 from 8am – 10pm:
New Jersey
October 6, 2008 from 8am – 10pm:
Seattle/Tacoma, WA (Puget Sound Locations)
One reply on “Massage for the Cure!”
I’m glad to see that Massage Envy is participating in “Race for the Cure.” I missed participating in the event last year because I was recovering from an automobile accident (broken clavicle…ouch!). Hopefully, I’ll be able to participate this next year. I know it’s a good event. Keep up the good work!