After watching the Republican National Convention speeches by Sarah Palin and John McCain, I have to say that this video clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart just sums up how I feel about the whole thing so much.
For the record, I’m a free voter. I’ve never once voted a straight ticket. I prefer to educate myself about how each candidate stands and then go from there. I did not want George W. Bush to be the governor of Texas, and I absolutely did not want him to be president. Seems a lot of the Republicans agree with me now, considering how he wasn’t even mentioned at the RNC.
All the double speak just makes me crazy. Oh, and the call for a “conservative” Republican Washington. I thought that was what we have had for the past 8 years? Weren’t they just so proud about that a few years ago?
One reply on “Sums it Up…”
What I love the most is Dan Abrams’ look while that one lady was talking. The hypocrisy of the Republican party totally astounds—I’m amazed that (a) they can speak with such straight faces and (b) people on the other side of the table don’t all sit there looking like Dan Abrams did.