The flowers outside the magical cottage in St. James Park in the heart of London.
It is after midnight now, so it is officially Monday. I felt the need for bright, sunshine flowers as I listen to the rain outside. Cool weather has visited us, but within days it will be back into the high 80s again. So really, not only do I need flowers, I need leaves changing colors and cooler temperatures to stay for longer than a few days. I guess the reason I have flowers on my mind is because I woke up to the rain here and a knock at my door. The man outside handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the envelope on the card said Flower Delivery Dublin. A reminder from my parents on what I was missing by not taking the trip with them.
I know fall will come, I know it will. It just can’t be soon enough.
Happy Monday!
2 replies on “Monday Sunshine…”
you’re still in the high 80s there? wow! we’re lucky to get into the 70s here, and most mornings it’s in the 30s.
Can you believe the weather today?? Buffalo Bayou is flooded to the tippy-top. I’ve never seen such a thing! Stepping outside this morning to walk the dogs was like stepping into a steamy sauna.
Yes, we all need to look at bright, sunshine, dry flowers today.