
More Memories…

Meeting Julia

I am still going through photos for the upcoming Yale Street Market. I want to get my order in tonight, because tomorrow there will be no hands on the computer. I have a rather long list of things I want to get done tonight, and I’m starting to accept that there is no way possible that it can all happen. But anyways, back to the knitter story.

SXSW Interactive, 2005. I went to the conference at the last minute, thanks to Jenn letting me go on the ScriptyGoddess discount ticket. I was still writing posts for Scripty, so I was still an author, and since the site was up for a Bloggie, I went to represent. w00t!

The last day of the conference, I was talking with PhotoMatt between sessions about the WordPress community, where things were going, etc. I had already spoken with Anil Dash about Six Apart and the knitters love of Typepad. I was telling Matt that there is a HUGE community of knitters online, and the crafty bloggers? That is where it is at.

We started to walk to a panel on accessibility, and I spotted it. A Clapotis. In the wild. Right there in front of me. I actually gasped, out loud. I think I even stammered a bit, “That! That is a Clapotis!”

Turns out Julia had just finished it. We immediately started talking (I think I all but ditched Matt – sorry Matt!) and a new knitter friendship was born. Turns out she knew who I was thanks to my geek blogging, but I didn’t know her. I do now though, and I’m quite grateful for that. Oh, and she shared the source for the yarn – it was a really, really beautiful Clapotis – and I ordered mine that very day. I still have to knit it, but I will soon. (Julia’s Clapotis has since ran away from home, and someone in Austin now has a very nice Clapotis, but it isn’t Julia.)

I have met many knitters since then, but this? This was the beginning of many good things. This was the first knitter I met outside of my immediate circle, outside of my LYS – outside of the norm. All thanks to a Clapotis in the wild.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “More Memories…”

Alas, the clap was lost in a dark parking lot while I was trying to find my ringing cell phone. My only hope is that it was found by one who needed it. I don’t think I’ve seen that picture before, I like it – is it on your flickr? It was a momentous occasion for me too Christine. I am still in awe of your ability to rub elbows with the geek elite. I am most thankful for you and all my knitblogger friends that have literally changed my life.

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