My blog is acting goofy and not showing up in my feed reader. I think it needs a massage, a la Flickr. Or maybe just a poke. Poke, poke.
Hopefully, this will make it show up. Poke.
My blog is acting goofy and not showing up in my feed reader. I think it needs a massage, a la Flickr. Or maybe just a poke. Poke, poke.
Hopefully, this will make it show up. Poke.
9 replies on “Poke, Poke…”
You just showed up in my google desktop webclips thingie 🙂
You showed up in my Bloglines.
Newsgator too. Just a little pokey. heh. pun.
Showing up just fine on my Sage reader.
Bloglines is being wonky latley.
poke poke poke.
everyone needs a good poke every once in a while…
*Helping Christine to poke around*
You showed up find in NetNewsWire!
came up fine in bloglines 🙂
You’re in bloglines and Google Reader.
My blog though? Gone again! From its URL. And yes, for real this time!!!! Been like that since Friday, when I wanted to update again.
Did it die because I’m such a slacker, or is it because I owe you hosting?
Love from a sunny South Africa,
Redsaid, but now the blog is gone.
P.S. Can’t access my mail either. Same error message appears? So feel free to use redsaid at gmail.