
More Time in the Desert…

I’ve added new photographs to Pixelog, and will be adding even more over the week ahead.

I went to the photo store today to discuss their various print size options and I’m considering having one of my Boston prints blown up to a poster size for my dining room. Talking with them made me appreciate the medium of 35mm film and an SLR camera – there is no way that a digital print could be clearly blown up to a 20″ x 30″ size. I’ve dreamed of owning a 4 megapixel camera, but after today I’ll stick with my SLR for now. Long live film!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “More Time in the Desert…”

A 20×30 poster from a 35mm may be asking more from your film than it can deliver without showing an undue amount of grain. I’ve gotten lucky with doing some 16×20 from 35mm color print film (Kodak 200) but for anything larger, a step up to at least medium format may be a good idea.

On the other hand, a print that size isn’t likely to be viewed with one’s nose pressed against the glass, so a moderate amount of grain may be accepatble, and depending on the image, may even enhance its artistry. If the price isn’t too high, it might be an interesting experiment to have a large print done in both sizes and compare the quality of reproduction. Best of luck. 🙂

The photo was taken with Fuji 200 film, and the 20×30 might be too big – I need to measure the wall. And look for collage frames for the smaller photos to hang beside it. I may end up going smaller – down to a 16×20, but you’re right – it would be nice to compare the two. Just might do it…

I’ve done also done 16×20 with no problems. The only time I’ve done larger it was with black & white film and the print did end up being sepia toned and slightly grainy, but not unattractively so.

Medium format is excellent, but I’d consider just getting slide film next time you think you might be producing images worth blowing up. My boyfriend’s gotten much better quality no matter the size and it’s a fantastic way to archive your images. Most digital cameras and some scanners even have attachments for easily converting the slide to a digital image.

I definitely wouldn’t waste the extra money on “snapshots” but its worth it for really nice cityscapes and nature photography.

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