Hanging out at a concert and need to go to the bathroom? Want to check your e-mail while you’re there or surf your favorite blogs? Microsoft has announced their latest offering – the iLoo!
The iLoo being developed by the MSN division of Microsoft (MSFT) in Britain is a standard portable toilet — a loo to the English — with a wireless keyboard and extending, height-adjustable plasma screen in front of the seat.
For those people waiting in line, their will be waterproof displays where you can check your Hotmail account. Maybe it’s just me, but I think that some shit really shouldn’t ever be developed. Pardon the pun…
Of course, I first read about this on the little Captivate screen in my elevator, so I guess I’m just a few steps away from the information overload level, am I not?
9 replies on “MSN in the Can…”
In my humble opinion, there is no better place in the world for M$ to be… ;P
Oh! Jeff! Thanks for the inspiration to change the title of this post!
Now that’s a germ spreader if I ever saw one.
Sorry. I hope you don’t hate it when I do this, but I didn’t see an email link. Probably a good thing too. I hate spam and this is not spam, I hope.
But, I really enjoyed your blog, so I am vaingloriously resorting to sending you an invitation to join a blog ring I created called “Bloggin the Cosmos”
Its a relatively new ring for bloggers…only been around for about 7 months, and given time and connections I have hopes that it will grow into a not only good traffic creator for those of us that wish someone would read the things we write, but also to eventually create links of sorts for those of us who need occasional help with our writing muse, tips and tricks and what not.
I hope that you will consider joining my ring…I have some fine blog members there and your site would make a welcome addition!
Please stop by Bloggin the Cosmos and check us out!
Thanks for your time.
I hope to see you in the ring.
Susan Mortensen
Bloggin The Cosmos
Innovated Reality
Hmmm… the e-mail link is right there in the sidebar – under “Mini-Me” on every skin. My name and my e-mail.
Unfortunately, I almost never join webrings because I never surf them. I stick to a select few, and that’s it. Mainly because I adore the owners of the rings and nothing else. Sorry… but thanks for letting me know about the ring!
Love the iLoo idea! LOL! Hugs, LIl xx
Porta-Potty WiFi…
Yahoo! has more info on the iLoo. This thing just cracks me up. Where is the Lysol wipes dispenser so…
iLoo idea was just toilet humor
CNet’s news has reported that the iLoo (as reported earlier this month) was an elaborate April Fool’s joke. An April…
hello nose if you can recover my porfavor account of msn