
Not a Fool Day!

It’s March 1st. Already. What the hell happened to February? I mean, seriously. Where did it go? Zoom, February is gone. Now it’s March 1st, just one month until April Fool’s Day. Time for you to start planning your April Fool’s jokes if you’re that sort of person. I still remember the year that a bunch of us exchanged keys to our blogs and let each other post and people had to figure out which posts were real and which were fake. It was quite amusing; maybe we should do that again.

But today? Today I’m declaring a special day … don’t be a fool! Don’t blurk! Comment! Blurking is bad, commenting is good. It’s been too quiet on the internet lately, it’s time to come on out and play! As an added bonus, the last time I did this I discovered some pretty kick-ass blogs that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Now I read them (and comment on them) every chance I get! So come on out and comment, it’s a Blurker Amnesty Day!

Props go to Sheryl who created the image for de-lurking day earlier this year. I couldn’t resist using it again. Blurking is a bad thing, and sometimes we all need a reminder to come on out and play.

(Honestly, I swear… this is not an attempt to procrastinate and put off work. Really. I promise. You believe me, right?)

By the way, it’s ok if you take advantage of blurker amnesty later this week, or even next week… I won’t mind!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

36 replies on “Not a Fool Day!”

Would it kill ya to comment?

It’s March 1st! The end of the cold and dreary winter days are fading away, soon to be replaced by warm sunny days with light and fanciful breezes. I can almost smell the spring rain. Can you? Oh wait, that’s just Bubby filling his diaper again.

I feel particularly guilty because I’m a Bloglines Blurker. Enjoying reading about your knitting! I started around the same time you did so it’s been fun to hear about your projects!

Awww… look. I crashed after being awake for something like 26 hours, and here you all are. How fabulous is that! (I’ll be e-mailing more later, but just had to post here.)

Oh, and Nastybastard? *Every* day should be a no-blurking day!

This is my first time on your blog – I linked here from HTown Blogs, but I like your style. I’m also in the Houston area with a blog of my own, so check it out if it pleases you. I would love to have you comment on my blog.

Ahh… blog + lurking = blurking. Clever! I need to invent my own word too. How about poo + potato = pootato. I don’t know where you’d use it, but I hope it catches on anyways.

I’ve actually become more of a blurker lately because my list of feeds is approaching that critical length when I begin to rush through them. At least I can still catch up on the weekends. 😉

I love that graphic. 🙂 It’s a riot. I actually have comments disabled on my blog temporarily until I figure out some anti-comment-spam tactics. Not sure if I told you this yet, but I just love the new pink design!

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