I haven’t broken out the “test” fiber that I have to give the wheel a spin yet, but I did open up a ton of browser windows on the laptop last night while looking for information. Since I need to get ready to register for classes in the morning (wow, is it that time already?), I need to close all the windows. Here is what I found:
– Twosheep: blog with helpful information on spinning that means nothing to me yet. I’m sure in a month or two I will know what she is talking about.
– Wikipedia: Spinning Wheel. In case you ever needed some basic information.
– Joy of Handspinning: Preparing to Spin – first I need to figure out what to use for a leader and then I need to get it on the bobbin, and then… well, then I guess I get to spin!
– How Your Spinning Wheel Spins – tips that will help me figure out which bobbin to use when along with other things.
– Open Directory Handspinning Links – maybe next weekend I will have time to go through some of those.
– SpinOff has helpful PDF files.
– Spinning from the fold – snagged from Natalie, who made some beautiful yarn using this technique.
– I Can Spin. I can do it. I can do it. I think I can, I think I can… Oh, wait, where was I? Oh, yes. I Can Spin has videos on how to spin.
Now I need to figure out when I am taking Chemistry II, Biology II, Trigonometry, and (hopefully) Photography next semester so I can be ready to hit the keyboard as soon as registration opens in the morning. Wheee! (Is it Christmas vacation yet? I’m suffering from midterm-itis today.)
One reply on “Not Yet…”
Aw, check you out with a wheel! Did you give it a whirl yet? Just remember that the thing most people get hung up on is the brake. If you’re having a hard time, fiddle with the brake to change the tension.