How on earth does Katie Holmes go from looking rather pregnant on January 14th, to having a flat stomach on January 15th? [Via And Knitting.]
Seriously? That just doesn’t make sense at all. (Maybe this post should go under my “Abducted by Aliens” category too? *snark*)
9 replies on “Now I’m Curious…”
If she is pregnant (which I only half-believe), she’s totally going to have an alien baby.
Kinda wierd huh? I wouldn’t have minded going up AND down eh?
The church of scientology had something to do with it, when Tom’s popularity goes down, bump appears, when it goes up, bump disappears. Tom controls it all. What freaks.
Well, I’m prolly over thinking this, but I the early shots looks tampered with–I think the tabloids photoshoped the bump. However, the 14 to 15 thing, that’s weird.
Kind of like the Britney Spears boobs thing. One day they’re huge, the next day they’re small…
wouldn’t it be funny if the whole thing were actually a hoax? they could just adopt a kid (or have a surrogate) and pass it off as their own. I’d laugh my ass off.
I know, wouldn’t that be hysterical? Oh! Maybe they can be like Angelina, and adopt a foreign baby … then try to pass it off as their own! Hm. That probably wouldn’t work, huh?
The whole situation is just creepy and weird and odd and every other negative adjective you can come up with to describe it! Though my vote is for an alien baby, if she is indeed preggers!
Maybe she already had it and they haven’t announced it. But then, who really cares…