I am finally adding photos from our first evening in Paris on our honeymoon back in June, 2004 to Flickr. I still have to post the photos I took of the doors of Notre Dame, but I’ll do those tomorrow. They may be boring to everyone else, but the door on the far left with the statue of St. Denis holding his head and the angel comforting him is priceless. I love church architecture, and those doors are amazing.
Actually, the whole Notre Dame Cathedral is pretty amazing. Just think of the centuries it took to build it; the generations of families that worked on it. The hard labor involved in making all of the carvings on such an ornate building. We loved it so much we visited it every day that we were in Paris.
I have finally learned not only how to convert a photo to Black & White in Photoshop, but how to make part of it be in color. Whee! I had so much fun playing with the technique that I keep looking for photos to try it on. I don’t have many pictures on the laptop though, so I’ll have to find some more to play with this weekend.
Oh! I realized after reading Elle’s comment from earlier, I should clear something up – Feedburner just serves my RSS feed; you don’t have to change what reader you use, I was just hoping to have people change the feed they are downloading. I added a “Add to Google” button in the sidebar, and I can add the My Yahoo! option and others if anyone needs them.
Below are some of my favorites from the Paris, Day 1 photoset:

12 replies on “Photoshopping is Fun!”
Nice job on the photoshop technique. It takes the right photo to get the ‘wow’ effect, (IMHO) and you did a “WOW” job! 🙂
aha, yeah, after I made the post I figured it out. *blush* Love your new design by the way.
I love what you’ve done with that picture. I have photoshop 7 but haven’t figured out how to use it yet…
Wasn’t Paris beautiful? There was a certain sense of awe I got when I stood infront of the major architectural pieces/places. I just couldn’t get over that…”I’m really here” feeling.
I love the one of the two happy newlyweds 🙂 The cutout thing is really fun! You’ve done a terrific job with it. I’ve been playing with that and some of the other techniques they’ve been sharing in the PS group. My B&W’s are sooo much better now.
I just saw your comment on my blog…I was in Ansbach from ’86 until ’92! What a small world! We knew several people who lived in Illesheim, so cool!
i’m so jealous you figured that out. i ‘know’ how to do it, but i don’t really get it and it always looks like crap when i try to do it.
but then again i rarely play with photoshop, prefering to use fireworks, which i know how to use, but it doesn’t have all the cool stuff.
Hmmm… the way I did it, couldn’t really be messed up. I’ll have to write up the steps and post them here this weekend – it was really easy!
Liz – GET OUT! That means that when I was there, you were there. Wow. That is sooooo weird. What if we knew the same people even? How crazy would that be???
christine, did you ever write out the steps for this technique of making just one part of an image color? i’m DYING to know how to do it!
As I posted my most recent B&W/color photo, I thought about how I *really* need to write out the steps. I’ll do it this weekend, I promise!
HOW are you??? I’ve missed having you online. Heck, are still be in my blogroll over there, I’ve missed you so much! 😀
like Valkryie I have Photoshop 7 but not a clue… cant wait as I live here in Paris and would LOVE to figure out how to make the photos come out better. (well I am trying to figure out the whole photo thing actually from getting a new camera to the settings to it all 🙂