
Oktoberfest, Socktoberfest, and Finish it Friday!

Nose Twins! Since today is “Finish it Friday!” I thought I should maybe finish posting a photo or two from July! Meeting Caro this summer was the final push I needed before I went and pierced my nose. When we met back up in July for the visit of the Yarn Harlot, I had to snap a photo of us together. This was outside of the church while we were in that Post-Harlot euphoria state!

Have you SEEN the bags and card wallets and other goodies that Caro makes? They are fabulous – be sure to check out her Etsy shop!

Thanks to Elemmaciltur, I just learned that Oktoberfest actually started last Sunday in Munich. So that means I can start my Socktoberfest socks today! (Lolly already said we could start whenever we want, but this just adds fuel to the fire to make me start them.) I am really drawn to the fall colors lately The sleeve, pre-frogging – it must be my need for cooler weather. We did actually have a “cold front” come through this week, and the other day it was only 84 at 2pm. Fall is coming!

Since today is Finish it Friday, I’m going to see if there are any socks that I have already knit that need finishing work done on them. You never know where I might have been lazy and not woven in an end! I’m also going to work on getting my sleeve back to the length it was – I frogged over half of it last night. I can’t handle pooling, so I am redoing it and alternating my balls (*snort*) to prevent it. The garter stitch needed to be tighter too, so it is all for the best.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “Oktoberfest, Socktoberfest, and Finish it Friday!”

Hi! I just found your blog on H-Town Blogs. I am interested in learning to knit. Is there somewhere you could recommend going to take classes for beginners?? Love the site!!

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