– Ashcroft: Critics of new terror measures undermine effort “To those who pit Americans against immigrants, citizens against non-citizens, to those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve,” Ashcroft told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “…Charges of kangaroo courts and shredding the Constitution give new meaning to the term ‘fog of war,'” Ashcroft said.
I want to know what school this man (and Duhhhbya too) went to, because they DEFINITELY did not learn about the same U.S. Constitution I learned about. And that “Fog of War” bit… Wasn’t our Constitution written just after the “fog of war” lifted, as our country was just starting? Dealing with terrorist (pirates), dealing with immigrants … Ugh. I could go on and on about the zillions of ways I feel these actions go against the core of what is written in the Constitution and the spirit in which it was written. Ugh. (Link thanks to Adam)
One reply on “Our Government…”
Ok, this guy is just unbelievable. Why don’t we just reinstate the Alien and Sedition Acts. If anyone ever need a hammer to the head, it’s Benito Ashcroft. Ugh!