I would like to thank everyone that participated in my morning drive this morning for making it such a pleasant one. No construction crews using
scaffolding fort myers fl tostopping traffic. No idiot drivers cutting me off. Traffic moved fast and orderly, extremely pleasant. The sky was a perfect shade of blue and the Bee Gees were singing some tunes. I would ask that we all work together to make every commute so wonderful. Does that sound like a good plan?
To help spread the sunshine, there are new photos in the Pixelog.
10 replies on “Public Thanks…”
I-5 in WA was horrible today, lucky you 🙂
I love the Bee Gee’s!
Traffic was pretty amazing here too this morning, but I had the Falconer cranking 😀 ( i do not expect you to know whom that band is hehehe)
It seems the drive to work is not as horrible as the drive home.
Oh, shush. All your asshole drivers are just on vacation in Denver this week!
Don’t speak to loudly – the masshole drivers (massachusetts drivers) might come to visit! 😉
Oh, trust me. This was a very rare occassion. I wish every day was as wonderful as today was!
thanks for making me smile!
I Knew it Wouldn’t Last…
I knew the fantastic commute I had yesterday was a one time thing – that’s why I had to write…
Lovely. Made my day (which is saying something)