
Rain, Rain, GO AWAY.

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY.

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, with every day being just like the day before. (Well, that is what I’ve heard the movie is like – I’ve slept through it no less than 3 times.) My yard is starting to turn into a lake. It just keeps on raining, and raining, and raining.

Seriously? It is getting old.

I still haven’t figured out how much rain we’ve gotten this month so far, but I was just *thrilled* to learn that June is normally the month where we get the most rain. So maybe there is some hope of it ending sometime? I really hope so. I need some more sunshine in my life!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

15 replies on “Rain, Rain, GO AWAY.”

Aww, that’s sweet, Mike (may I call you Mike?)

Amen, Christine! I was looking at this same forecast for Conroe this morning and thought how depressing it is. I’m an obsessive gardener, so with forcasts like this it’s a good thing I am also an obsessive knitter. (I wonder if Noah’s wife spent a lot of those rainy days knitting?)

I feel your pain. We had a stretch like that a few weeks back. I think the river crested 2 or 3 times. They had to build a dike on one of the streets downtown (luckily it wasn’t one I ever went on). I think that was up for 2 weeks. We’re finally out of that … for now at least.

I live in Dallas so I know what you mean! Houston seems to almost always get rain about the same time we do (if not the same day, then at least the following day). This has to be the rainiest June ever.

Stay dry! 🙂

*waves to Kristine (which happens to my sister’s name, too)* to a fellow Dallas Filipino (i snooped on your blog)… it’s been raining here non-stop… it’s kind of getting depressing! i love it when it rains but it’s too much. i should be thankful that it’s not 100+ like it was last year. i’ll take rain over dry Dallas heat anyday (and i’ll take it over humid Houston weather, too).

Hi there! I’m sorry for the topic hijack, but…I used to live in Houston and I yours was the first blog I EVER read on a daily basis. I seem to remember you talking about a group of women you worked with on designing websites. Does it still exist? If so, can you point me to someone I can contact about designing a website for me?? Thanks!

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