Geek Love

RSS for the Masses…

Ever run across that doesn’t have an RSS feed, but you wish it did? Head on over to BlogStreet and you can make it happen! Plus they have other handy tools – but you know me, I’m all about the RSS feed!

I set up my very own profile at BlogStreet, which allows you to do reviews and other things. I also did a “BlogBack” to see who links to me, and you can snag their RSS feeds right there! I love things like this!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “RSS for the Masses…”

this is coming in SO handy for me…you know how slow i am to catch up to stuff, but i’m digging my newsreader now, and this is really helping me get it set up quickly!


Hrm… the only problem I have with the way they do it – is it’s not full post. They obviously can SEE the full post because in the verify page, they showed it – but once I added to NewzCrawler it was only an excerpt :-\ (unless I”m doing it wrong…?)

I got excerpts too – but there are a few sites that have no RSS feed and never will that I can use this to keep tabs on when they update. Maybe we should contact the creators of Blogstreet and demand full feeds? I’m good at that, you know… *wink*

EEEEEEEEK! I am so happy! You are the Goddess of Everything that exists in the world of Blogs! Others may call themselves the princess, but YOU are the QUEEN of Blog-everythingThing!

Thanks for turning me on to that! I tried it to see if it could generate a feed for and it listed about 37 entries, but then when I fed the feed into a newsreader it only showed 3 out of about 37 entries. I’ll have to try it w/ other blogs when I’m not so tired, 2am. 🙂 Kewl tool!

you can read my blog, read my blog…
many posts, many thoughts….clearing the bandwidth from my head… i am finally getting on the newreader bandwagon….partially, because my blogroll(s)…

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