
Season Finales, Blogs, Reading Logfiles

Yes, it is as late as the time stamp says. I felt miserable earlier, so I slept for the most part from 6:30 to 11pm. I watched ER from tonight a little bit ago, now I am watching Friends from tonight. ER was awesome. Why do they have to have a break? Why can’t shows run all year? Because now I *have* to know what happened. And I have to wait until when, September? Friends is pretty good too, only halfway through.

Loved the post at What a Woman about the Assboss. I was laughing so hard. Wonder if she works for an attorney – that sounds like something that would have happened at the law firm I used to work at. Then I visited and Jason has visited the Eiffel Tower. Sigh, I want to be rich enough to go back to Europe. I loved it. He is right – some things surprise you that they are so amazing in real life.

I took some time earlier to check out my site’s logfiles. Lots of people come from, well, nowhere. I mean I have a lot more visitors then I do links to account for them. Hello? Who’s out there? It always makes me curious when I see that. Post a comment or something – I would love to know who you are. The other thing that caught my eye – someone back at the old office is reading this. I can tell because I can see the hit coming from their address. 3:07 pm on the 17th. Interesting. I didn’t think anyone left knew about the site. Well, maybe … I guess it could be … hmmm. Well, hey, if you want me to know who you are send me an e-mail and let me know. Or maybe it is management waiting for me to say something bad? Nope, won’t happen. In spite of my fleeting moments of negative thoughts, I believed in the company up until that final meeting with the boss. I went in to work that morning in the same great, very pumped & motivated mood I had been in all week. Heck, I had gotten a lot done in the 40 minutes I was there before they let me go. I hope someday they find someone with my skill set and loyalty to rebuild the sales team with, but I don’t think I am that easy to replace. I watched many others come & go in the same position while I was there. Oh well, I loved my job. I loved the company, although my spirit had definately been tried and pushed to near breaking limits. I missed it this morning when I woke up – and I am sure I will for awhile. So… while the negative thoughts obviously pass through my mind, as they would anyone who had been laid off by a company that felt like home in so many ways, they won’t end up here.

Ugh, after sleeping from 6:30 to 11pm (off & on) now I am wide awake. Bah.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

One reply on “Season Finales, Blogs, Reading Logfiles”

Hi Christine. Just thought I’d drop a quick hello since you asked for those visiting your site to comment. I found your site via another [actually, I think it was from Blogging Mommies]. Anyhow, I enjoy reading your blog. Keep smiling!

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