Abducted by Aliens

Second Update Post…

Dr. Has a Clue also gave me the green light to live a normal life again. She then sent me over for a CBC, Iron, Ferritin and something else blood test to see how my iron is currently and if I have any iron reserves yet. Because a month ago, my ferritin levels were at a 3. Meaning I had absolutely no iron reserves – normal starts at 20. I should have those results by Friday. I don’t have to go back in to see her for 6-8 weeks.

And on a positive note, I’ve lost 8 pounds since my visit to her office 5 weeks ago. I pointed out that they removed the giant killer uterus, and they pointed out that that didn’t weigh 8 pounds. It did, however, weigh 0.46 pounds – versus the 0.15 that is much more normal. So that accounts for at least a little bit.

She liked the fact that I said that my plan for 2008 is to hire a trainer. That was actually my plan for this fall originally, but then all this stuff got in the way. I need to find someone that will work with me to protect my funky shoulder, and will be more than just a counter. I can count for myself – I need someone that will actually work up a plan for me and keep me on task. Anyone in Houston know of a trainer on the north side of town (near Willowbrook or Spring-Cypress/290) that they recommend?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Second Update Post…”

I dunno about a trainer, but the nicer YMCAs are getting systems in that track how much you do electronically through a swipey card or some such, so at the very least they can keep track of what you’re doing, calories burned, progress made, and so on.

I’m so glad things are getting back to normal. Sorry your uterus blew up 😉

You should check with the gym you go to as they might have trainers there? Just a thought. They have them at Lifetime so maybe 24 hour does also…

I am glad you are on the mend and driving again. (Austin road trip hint) And that was a really dramatic way to drop a few pounds, but if you can get your iron up, you will have more energy (Floradix Iron & Herbs) and you’ll feel like maybe facing a trainer, say one who is getting married soon and needs a photographer, eh? Will you need to take hormones now? My sist er did when they took her uterus, but I don’t know if she is still taking them. Take care, come visit soon free driving lady – you will not believe how cute Cooper is now.

I see your blog for the first time. You make wonderful pictures.
I see you have some problems with your weight… Hope you will find a good trainer and achieve all your goals next year. Good luck! And , yeah, Merry Christmas!

Hey, hope this comment works I’m still pretty new to this whole blogging thing.
interesting post! I stumbled on your blog while
Googling other people’s weight loss stories. I’ve actually just started blogging about
my weight loss success story – I lost over 30 pounds in a month
with a diet I developed!

I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my weight loss blogand tell me what you think.
Warmest wishes,

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