While I hooked Heather up with the Zip Zap that she really wanted for Hanukkah for Derek, some credit goes to Mike too, since he was the one that found the only Radio Shack in Houston with a steady supply of them. With that discovery, he was able to fill my need and the needs of others for cute remote control cars! Zoom Zoom! Is it Christmas yet? I want to play with mine!
Speaking of Christmas – the annual debate is here: when is the right time to put up the Christmas tree? Feel free to leave your feedback on this – I would love to know what you think!
15 replies on “Sharing the Credit…”
back when we actually used to do a Christmas tree, my family’s tradition was that we would put it up and decorate it on Thanksgiving night, usually after dinner and before the nap. 🙂 i’ve noticed a lot of my neighbors put up their trees/lights last night also. 🙂
So far I’ve only seen one place selling trees. I think day after Thanksgiving is ok to put up a tree or maybe 1st of December.
ditto on Alex’s comment… we put ours up on Thanksgiving to keep the kiddies busy and not killing each other. Most of my family’s allergic to pine trees, so we always have fake ones that can be put up way in advance.
last year, we put up the Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. but i was sooooo lazy that we didn’t decorate with the exception of lights. how bland was that? yeah, Tom wasn’t too pleased. but my excuse was that the dog could’ve pulled down all the ornaments and had them for dinner. i wouldn’t have been pleased about that. this year, i hope to get it decorated. got to get my Precious Moments 2002 ornaments, though. i have one for every year we’ve been married.
We’ve normally put the tree up right around my Mom’s birthday (Dec. 14) because we leave it up until Epiphany – January 6th. If I put it up now, it will be up for a loooong time – but the next two weekends are going to be crazy!
Anytime after Thanksgiving Day is okay in my opinion.
Well, in my family, the Christmas tree tradition is the first time the family has time after Thanksgiving … for me, that’ll probably either be Sunday or Tuesday. 😉 (The only days I have off from work for a while.)
We typically put ours up around the second weekend in December, but this year, we put it up the day after Thanksgiving, and to be honest, I am darned glad we did; we’re now ALL DONE with decorating for the holidays. Just a few more gifts to buy, and cards to send, and we’re completely done.
I would say ten days before Christmas is ideal – not so soon you’re tired of it, and long enough to enjoy it at your leisure. Of course, it’s always good to visit the trees at other people’s houses – no needles to vacuum up, and all that fresh pine smell.
We put ours up on Halloween this year. heheh.
When I used to put up a tree, I’d get it ready about ten days before the holiday and keep it up through the first five or so days of January. These days, we don’t have room for a tree so the question ends up moot for our family.
In my house, we always put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend (like 9 days after Thanksgiving). But Turkey Day fell late this year, so we’ve been busy all day today putting up decorations. That way, all the BS of putting the stuff up is out of the way early, and you can enjoy the lights & whatnot for a full month (we usually take it all down the weekend after New Years.
I really wish that we could leave it all up all year round – I love the way it all looks.
In trying to sway some holiday spirit into our retail-working lives this year, we put ours up around November 15th. It didn’t work 😉
Time for Christmas?
Christine asks: “Speaking of Christmas – the annual debate is here: when is the right time to put up the
Tree Time
I went out to Walmart today with my little sister and brother (big mistake to take kids to that place)