Today has been a busy, busy day. Lots of errands to run, but I think we got most of them done. Tomorrow we need to go get fish tank stuff and a few other Wal-Mart items. Today I went to TJ Maxx and got a new purse (Nine West for $20), a laptop bag (Nine West and only $25!), a new jacket, and a Sims Six-pack of games for Jason. Then it was Half-Price Books to get Confessions of a Shopaholic (have to read it very fast for Nicole’s Book Club! Already on chapter 5, so I should be done by the end of the weekend) and I also got the U-571 and Men of Honor DVDs ($12 each!). Stopped at Ross to try to get a wallet, but they didn’t have any. Then to Target where I got 2 pairs of shoes (one pair is a duplicate of the sandals I already have but they are so worn they are starting to fall apart), some new Mauve nailpolish, a small flag stake & flag for the pot on the patio, and some knit pj pants. A quick stop at home and then we went to Best Buy to look for a new cordless phone, mine is dead. Then to the other Ross store by my house so I could look for a wallet – and I got one for 99 cents! Whoo hoo! Ralph Lauren, but it matches the purse so well. Over to Franklin Covey at the mall so I could get address pages for my planner. Then … I could not resist the temptation, so I went over to August Max. I got the *cutest* pair of pants, and a shirt to go with them! They are so adorable, black with sequins by the hem. So adorable!
So here is the latest survey that has gone around:
WALLET: Brand new, bought today at Ross! Black Microfiber, Ralph Lauren.
HAIR-BRUSH: black with red bristles, bought at Ulta3.
TOOTHBRUSH: Crest Complete, green & clear
JEWELRY WORN DAILY: Watch, 2 silver rings, James Avery charm bracelet. Whichever earrings are handy.
PILLOW COVER: Nice mint/sage green cotton.
COFFEE CUP: Don’t drink coffee, but have a cool black cup with the logo or my company on my desk. Gave one just like it to John Solanto the last time we got together.
SUNGLASSES: Black cat-eye type, Revlon brand from Wal-Mart.
SHOES: Black Cherokee slides from Target.
NAILPOLISH: Red toe nails, about to be repainted. Mauve fingernails for the moment, “tested” the color earlier.
KEYCHAIN: Seattle skyline photo. Too many keys. Door lock clicker-thing for the Honda, Speedpass for Exxon.
COMPUTER: Kick-ass Dell Latitude with Attitude. Bought a hard drive for the old PC, but it has to be replaced.
FAVORITE TOP: T-shirt I bought in Seattle, has a painting of Seattle “highlights”. Black turtleneck sweater that I am wearing in the photos on this site.
FAVORITE PANTS: Prefer to wear skirts. Loving the new pants I bought tonight.
SHAMPOO CONDITIONER: Aveda Shampure Shampoo and Shampure Conditioner.
PERFUME: Vanilla from The Body Shop.
CD IN THE STEREO RIGHT NOW: Destiny’s Child special compilation CD available only at Target.
CAR: The Car Formerly Known as White Trash Honda. ’99 Silver Honda Civic EX
TELEVISION: 19″ Mitsubishi. About to be replaced with a 25″ or 27″.
STEREO: Sony receiver with surround sound & a subwoofer.
TELEPHONE: New Sony 900mhz phone with Caller ID.
CELLPHONE: Nextel i1000. Nokia 5160 for Houston Cellular
WATCH: Kathy Ireland from K-Mart, bought on vacation when I left mine at home.
KEYBOARD: On the laptop right now so it’s built in..
PRINTER: HP812c, not hooked up right now.
SCANNER: don’t own one. Did find one online however that is an HP for a good price, may have to buy it in the near future.
One reply on “Shopping, shopping & that loooong survey”
Ohhh thanks for sharing your shopping trip details- I LOVE stuff like that. I don’t know why it is, but I love hearing how people spent their days…