Thanks to Kymberlie pointing it out to me this morning, I have now fixed the BlahBlahBlog Skin Selector so that those of you that want to still use the Venice skin can! Note to self: Do not hand code HTML when sleepy. Just say no.
Also, I will have to work on making the design just a little more narrow so that you don’t have to scroll on an 800×600 monitor. If everyone would set their resolution to 1600×1200 we wouldn’t have this problem! *GRIN* (I can hear it right now, Kymberlie saying “HOW can you READ this!”)
7 replies on “Skin Fix…”
When I was at your computer yesterday I thought I was going to go BLIND! The very highest I can set my resolution is 1024 x 768 and that’s only at work because I sit so close to the monitor!
When someone figures out how to do skins without PHP (Java, cgi, anything), please let me know. Aw, hell, I just need a new host (but I know just who to talk with about that).
HEY! Another Kym signed your blog! Sweeeeeet!
Well I was sent by Mike to give you comment love. And he says you are the coolest person to talk to. So I will take his word for it. You are beautiful 😀 I just wanted to say that.
Yay 😀 You rock. I love your weblog. I think I may have to start reading you everyday 😀 *heart*
unlike many thing in life, when it comes to font size, smaller is better 🙂 what’s wrong with 1600×1200?
*HUGS* Have a wonderful weekend, love the new look!
Boy, my monitor would puke if I tossed 1600×1200 at it. Jeepers!
If my monitor wasn’t so old, I’d gladly bump it up to 1600×1200…. its on its top setting at 1024×1200 right now 🙂 But hey, the colors when I design are perfect on this monitor!!!! I have other monitors that I use that make things look all funny. But isn’t it hard to design for 800×600 when you are looking at a monitor that has double that space?