Gotta love the happy customer! Robyn just finished skinning Wendell’s Painfully Cool site! It looks fantastic! Yet another Blogomania client satisfied. She has that effect on our clients, you know, in that special sort of way…
Gotta love the happy customer! Robyn just finished skinning Wendell’s Painfully Cool site! It looks fantastic! Yet another Blogomania client satisfied. She has that effect on our clients, you know, in that special sort of way…
4 replies on “So Cool, It Hurts!”
Satisified is not a strong enough word. I’m thrilled and giddy. It looks great, it works perfectly, and she did it with no input from me . Three cheers for Robyn!
Well I do my best to rub ’em all the right way… *wicked grin*
great work there.
-sniff sniff-
-hint hint-