
So Much to Say, So Little Time…

My life is a list of bullet points recently, it seems. Not really – but that is the easiest way to sum it up here.

– I have taken on a contract assignment at Schipul to assist with some site migrations. I’m knee deep into using Tendenci and all I can say is … WOW. It is FANTASTIC. Wonderful. Amazing. I love it. It is like all of my dreams back when I worked at a web design company full time have come true. And everyone here is fantastic. I *heart* Schipul.

– I have photos to finish editing. Lots of photos. I will be working on that tonight. And tomorrow night. And so on.

– I’m working with Erica to make big plans for our future. Originally we said we were going to take over the world. We have since realized that instead of taking over the world, we would much rather leave our mark on the world. After all, there is enough room for everyone in the tech field to work together.

– Speaking of working together, I am still aghast over what has been going on in the blogosphere lately. Once again, I agree with Erica’s sentiments on this (not shocking, since we discussed it last night before she wrote that post). No one deserves to be torn down just because they have done wonderful things for the community. I don’t want to dwell on it, but instead I hope to put positive energy out there in the world. I have to say though, I agree with Chris Pirillo too. Mean people suck.

I have a zillion posts planned in my head, and I just need to make time to write them out. Some topics include:
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss (I’m not the only one that found this panel at SXSW to be a life changing experience.)
– Lucky Oliver
– Camera Equipment – both camera body and other equipment
– Photoshop CS2 Actions
Co-working in Houston and beyond
– Best Practices for Blogging

So much to do! Sleep? It is overrated. 😉

OH! And just a reminder … have you gotten any exercise today? Just stop what you are doing and take 20 minutes for yourself. Go for a walk. Do an exercise video. Lift weights. Run. Whatever – but MAKE the time to exercise.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “So Much to Say, So Little Time…”

I love when things happen in the “blogosphere” and no one wants to go into the specifics. You have to hunt down a trail of links to find out “what happened” because no one will outwardly say it – they’ll just refer to it… And somewhere around the third link I dig through or somewhere in the 20th page of comments… I lose interest. LOL!

Oooooh… sorry about that. I thought Erica had a link, and I didn’t have the initial one handy so I didn’t look for it.

I also didn’t go into specifics for another reason though – I could go on and on about horrible things said and done to people (really horrible) and add to the public uproar. Or I could say instead that we need to be grateful for people and spread positive energy. We’ve been in this great blogosphere for so many years and seen it all, I hate to add to the linking, finger pointing, and overall chaos it causes. I’m all about positive energy these days.

Finally found her post about what happened. At the moment it’s here

You and I have both had a long history with things that “happen” in the blogosphere. But this is always what bugged me about those previous “things”… I just think it does no one a service to avoid talking about or linking to posts that specifically point out the problem. Certainly focusing on the “positive” is important, I agree. I didn’t read that blogger, but from what I scanned in her site, she definitely had a lot of interesting things to say. But it’s not a good thing to “shelter” either. We’re all grown ups here (well most of us anyway! LOL!) – and while I stay “positive” – I’d also want to know the full truth.

(Please don’t take my comments as scolding you or anything – you know me – so you know I’m not like that.)

You know what? You made a really good point. While I didn’t go back and add the link to Kathy Sierra’s site to the original post earlier, I did add the one to Chris Pirillo’s site. I’ll add the link to Kathy’s in a moment.

My feelings when I wrote this were going to be expanded into a whole “Best Practices for Blogging” post that is in my head, which was going to be more educational than specific to this situation. Because we’ve seen it all before in other forms, but new bloggers haven’t.

But it is a very valid point that I should have referenced what on earth I was talking about. It makes it a lot easier to follow what is going on. And I would never take your comments as scolding, because I know you well enough to know better! 😀

What a great post. Sounds like you have a cool little gig going with Schipul. If only I could find a cool web job. I’m so over corporate america!

I also read up on Tim Ferriss. He just makes me want to run out and be productive! I must read more.

Thanks for always pointing out such great sites, ideas and cool items!

Lots of topics in one post. It has been that kind of week.

Kathy Sierra. I was really looking forward to her opening remarks at eTech. But I fully respect her decision. I hope it all blows over soon, and that a precedent has been set that discourages egregious attacks even if with words. This one will be debated for years to come.

And oh ya, thanks for the kind words on Tendenci! We have a rockin programming team if I do say so myself.

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