Yesterday while at the Friday sit & knit at Twisted Yarns, I decided I needed a fast night that would give me quick success. I pulled out the pattern I had printed off for Fetching and cast on and knit the first few rows. I had a headache later on though, so I didn’t knit too much, only the first 10 rows or so. I picked them up when I got home after taking some Excedrin – and I finished the pair! (Well, I still have to pick up and knit the thumbs, but I need some help with figuring that out. I’ll be at the LYS on Tuesday.) They were a fun and fast knit, and I highly recommend them. I plan on making a few more pairs for holiday gifts – one ball of yarn ($10) and about 4-5 hours of TV knitting makes a perfect gift.
Today, while laying in bed and nursing my fever and very sore throat – I’m on the verge of losing my voice again, which is never a good thing – I decided that I could finish the first half of my sweater and get started on the second half. If I focused on it, maybe I would have it done by next weekend. When I got to the end of the first half, I put it on waste yarn like the instructions said, and I went to try it on. Not only does it completely NOT fit, it is ugly too. Bah!
This is why I have always hesitated to knit a sweater.
After I photograph it tomorrow, I will set it aside for another day when the frogging of it will be a bit less painful. I know there is a nice basic v-neck cardigan pattern out there that will be the perfect match for this sweater. For now, it is too painful to look at.
The Brooks Farm 4-Play yarn is still beautiful and wonderful to work with and I highly recommend it. It is not to blame, and I am sure I will find the perfect pattern for the yarn. This just isn’t it.
You win some and you lose some. I’ve now started my Noro sweater four times. I want to throw down my needles and make some more Fetchings instead. It is always good when it works out so well. Oh well, I’m up for a challenge!
6 replies on “Success and Failure…”
It’s always a good thing to have a successful project under your belt. It softens the blow of the things that didn’t quite go as well.
Bah to headaches and sore throats. Take good care of yourself. Feel better soon!
Aw, I’m sorry you’ve been sick…hope you are feeling better today, though I’m sure this rainy weather is NOT helping. Sorry about the sweater, too. I know it is disappointing to rip back that beautiful yarn. Your Fetching mitts looked lovely on Friday…loved the cable! Looking forward to seeing the completed pair!
I hope you feel better soon. Remember to drink lots of water so you don’t feel even worse later. (even if it hurts to drink!)
I’ve loved all the fetching mitts I’ve seen so far. Can’t wiat to see yours. 😀 I really do need to make myself a pair one of these days.
Chritine, need I remind you of the healing powers of blocking? Bring the sweater to KNE – you need a second opinion. You must get well! I’m sorry you are sick and I know how cool it is to get extra knitting time, but go to the doc and get a shot or something. You may not be sick for KNE. Shall I make my Chicken Soup for Friday night? It’s damn good stuff.
I hope you feel better, sweetie. You need some chamomile tea with honey for that sore throat!
Oh no, the Brooks Farm sweater! It saddens me that you’ll be frogging it, but I hear you that if it’s not working, then start over. That yarn is scrumptious enough to want to knit with all over again.