
Write More…

Already three days into NaBloPoMo and I’ve missed a day. Oops! I meant to write this post yesterday, and then I just got too busy. And tired. I couldn’t sleep Wednesday night, and then I allowed myself to get sucked into the Internets. This is always bad – and you can tell when I do it because I am a comment junkie and I generally leave comments all over the place. Sort of like the Easter Bunny, there are little morsels waiting for you when you awake!

Ok, I’m not making sense. We will blame it on the Clarityne. Mike brought me back allergy medicine from London, and I swear it works better than US Claritin. He says it is the same, and I don’t believe him.

Back to the original point – the first of November kicked off NaBloPoMo month! You may have heard of NaNoWriMo, where you write a novel in a month. (Yes, crazy, right?) For those of us that don’t want to write an entire novel, there is NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month. Write on your blog. Daily. If you don’t have a blog – get one., Blogspot, Vox (now open!) are all free. Write, post, share your thoughts. The collective wisdom of the Blogosphere is a beautiful thing. Share a bit and leave your mark.


On a different subject – if you planned to come out to Yale Street Market here in Houston tomorrow to see Elaine and me, well … we won’t be there. More on that drama later, as I have to be judicious with my words when I write that post, and I don’t think the Clarityne haze would allow me to do that right now.

Also, I am trying to resist the urge to post every single photo that I put on Flickr here on my blog too – so if you watch the thumbnails at the top, sometimes there will be different photos there. Just in case you were curious. I still have a lot more flowers to edit and post as I prepare for the December Yale Street Market.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Write More…”

I totally feel your pain. Ever since we have been getting this cooler weather, my sinuses feel like they are going to explode and my brain isn’t functioning properly…

Here’s to living in Texas…where you can go from 45 to 85 degrees in the same day.

It’s OK! You can fall off the bandwagon for a day! I am sure I will one of these days as well.

I love the shawl in the picture below! I may have to try and make it for my mom. Although I have so many projects going that it may have to wait until next year :-).

I found you through noblopomo!

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