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Tweets for 2009-09-13…

  • Dallas Photogs! Come to 3699 Mckinney Ave Dallas Starbucks, meet @tofurious, get info on SEO workshop & blog tips! (via @catieronquillo) #
  • @photine it was an absolutely delightful surprise to run in to you – I'm glad I hadn't left yet! Such fun with you & @cybertoad! #
  • @regalaffair Absolutely! Send me an email through the contact form at and we'll set it up! in reply to regalaffair #
  • Heading to Hobby with @coffemike so we can pick up @tofurious & Julie and take them out for some of Houston's finest Tex-Mex! Yum!!! #
  • Nice evening with @bullysaurus and @tofurious – can't wait to see you in a few weeks for the SEO and blogging workshop! #
  • @YarnHarlot I size with gauge or add stitches as needed. I don't think sock patterns need sizes. in reply to YarnHarlot #
  • @maslowbeer I was just wondering about that earlier today. Last time I was there, only 1-2 restaurants on the Strand open at all. in reply to maslowbeer #
  • Justin Timberlake on Saturday Night Live! SCORE! I love it when he is on SNL! He cracks me up. #
  • Just skating in under the wire – Happy Birthday DAY to @elegantmachines!!! Hope it was an awesome day! #
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Tweets for 2009-09-12…

  • @c_arseneau I never thought about the bulbs, but that could be a factor. Headaches seem to go away when I leave home. in reply to c_arseneau #
  • Houston photogs: come out to @coffeegroundz TODAY at 4pm to meet with @tofurious and talk about improving your SEO! Please RT! #
  • "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." – Kurt Cobain (From @finaoalbums's site.) #
  • Houston photogs – we're in the drivethru! Come out to @coffeegroundz TODAY at 4pm to meet with @tofurious and talk about improving your SEO! #
  • Dropped @tofurious off at HOU, decided to drop in on the @Team_HIWI party! #
  • @brookeschwab it was fun at the Team_HIWI party and the photo booth was a big hit! in reply to brookeschwab #
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Tweets for 2009-09-11…

  • @soireebliss I haven't met her – thanks for the tip on @invitationsolutions! @MonkeyTreeKasey thanks for pointing me to @kimtown as well! in reply to soireebliss #
  • Blargh. I'm really tired of having headaches lately. I think it is my glasses – I'm going to try my contacts tomorrow & hopefully no pain. #
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Tweets for 2009-09-10…

  • I hate it when hash tags don't tell me a thing about what they are talking about. WHAT is #dd09 – that is all I want to know??? #
  • @starzabove It all depends on your budget and what you like to photograph. Best kit lens replacement for EF-S bodies is the Sigma 17-50. in reply to starzabove #
  • @starzabove My first $$$ lens purchase was the Canon 10-22mm wide angle, but it doesn't work on full frame sensors. Great for my needs then. in reply to starzabove #
  • @BorrowLenses No, THANK YOU!!! You guys ROCK! in reply to BorrowLenses #
  • Thanks to @chimchim for clearing up the whole #dd09 thing. Although I do like @nadnuk & @craftygirly's suggestions of Doomsday 09.09.09! #
  • RT @chimchim #dd09 is the @capitalfactory Demo Day for the 5 startups in Austin #
  • @kevinswancom *applauding* I do think you're quite right. I've been saying it all along. #
  • @mzhummina I actually read #dd09 earlier and said, out loud, "FTW???" You would have laughed. It was excellent. in reply to mzhummina #
  • Just gave a facelift. There are a few tweaks to be made here and there, but overall I'm happy with it! #
  • @thisisnotapril I just spotted the contest. I love you like 3000x more than I loved you yesterday now. And that is a lot. in reply to thisisnotapril #
  • Just back from seeing Harry Potter with @bmbosse in IMAX with some in 3D, which was pretty crazy. Not sure about that 3D. It was weird. #
  • “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – H. Ford (via @rachellacour) #
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Tweets for 2009-09-09…

  • Today's post: I love @borrowlenses & a coupon! #
  • At Solutions for Hair getting the beauty treatment works! Color, cut – it is time to get sassy!!! #
  • I now have very fabulous sassy hair thanks to Brandon who totally rocked it. Go to Solutions & see him!!! Now a pedicure at the Nail'ery. #
  • How interesting. 4 of the top 10 for @foursquare in Houston are a variant of Chris. It isn't that common. #
  • I can never make it out of the nail salon parking lot without jacking up a nail. *sigh* Now off to @netsquared to help change the world! #
  • Re: Your Brains is available on Rock Band right now. (via @jonathancoulton) zOMG!!! How awesome is that? #
  • According to @magsmac "She is the president of Sean Stoner's mouth." Most excellent. The joy of @netsquared! #
  • @mathowie oh my goodness. That is so true it is scary. Wow, I never realized that before now! in reply to mathowie #
  • @BrokenFiction flippin' crazy. So very wrong. People. *sigh* in reply to BrokenFiction #
  • @shutterblog Wait. Where is my Oscar nod? I had my acceptance speach all ready. I can't stand lynch mob mentality. Sad. in reply to shutterblog #