
Tell Me How…

Just how on earth am I supposed to enjoy the holidays if I’m so busy I can’t even stop to breathe and it’s so hot outside that you have to remind yourself it’s December and not summertime? How? I want to be in the holiday spirit, I really do. I just have to find some time to get there somehow! Maybe the Christmas dinner tonight with Mike will help. And after that I just have some minor shopping to do. It will all be ok. I’m sure of it. It will all be ok. (If I keep repeating that over & over, maybe it will work.)

Anyone else having problems finding that holiday spirit? What is your favorite thing to do to get over that holiday hurdle?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

14 replies on “Tell Me How…”

I am there with ya!! Basically I keep doing the same thing you are doing. Only difference is I write myself notes and place them where I will see them, or draw big smiley faces and post them up in my office, on my computer, mirror…where ever!! Visual reinforcement that things are going to be alright. Actually, I think it is called Creative Visualization – a more positive technique for self-fulfilling prophecies!!! GOOD LUCK!

Recipe for Christmas spirit: 1 part eggnog, 1 part rum and 20GB of Christmas mp3s on repeat. Mix to taste. (eggnog and mp3s are optional).

Seriously though, I love living in a colder climate at Christmas time. It’s so easy to get into the Christmas spirit when it’s cold outside and you’re snuggling by the tree inside. That said, I’m still looking forward to leaving for Mexico in two days! Woo hoo. 🙂

I love having a hot Christmas. We have lots of BBQ’s and I am going on a camping trip. Can’t do those things when its snowing. Although I could do without the 40deg days (over 100F).

I used to get really upset at the holidays. I didn’t like my work situation and the husband didn’t put enough emphasis on the holiday to suit me. Then I realized I had the control over my feelings and I just put it all away and now enjoy the holiday for me. Oh…and KD’s response helps as well….booze….

This won’t help for now…but maybe you should move to New England…Boston…you know you want to…

I could not see myself living anyplace else. Lifetime subscription to Yankee magazine. I hate the particular town that I live in, outside of Boston, but I will NEVER leave New England!

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