Abducted by Aliens

Temporary Solution Update…

Finally, finally!, finally the “take two birth control pills a day” solution seems to be working. I found out that if I take them 12 hours apart, that is the key. So things are finally getting better. Good thing too, because yesterday did not start off well – the iron deficiency was really obvious. I felt woozy and dizzy a few times, especially after taking a shower – I think the heat got to me. I ate meat every chance I could get and took an iron tablet, and by about 3pm or so I was feeling much better. Adreniline probably helped take over too, since that is about the same time that Regina and I started shooting the wedding here in Asheville!

So I made it through the day just fine, and I’m pumping up on iron and water today and feeling pretty darn good. Whew! Attending a workshop all week while feeling less than human would not be fun.

The weather here is AMAZING. Amazing!!! As someone said, we had a “Chamber of Commerce” day for the wedding yesterday. Outdoors with the groomsmen for a few hours? No problem – we didn’t even break a sweat. It was a bit cool when the sun went down, and we were pretty cold by the time we walked 3-4 blocks back to the car, but I would rather be cold any day than hot! One of the best men commented on how it was like summer for him, coming from Colorado. I commented that it was like winter for me, coming from Houston!

We were exhausted by the time we were driving home, but needed a few essentials and stopped at Ingles to pick them up – only to discover that someone has bought one of those crazy witches!!! Can you believe it? I mean… WOW.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Temporary Solution Update…”

Glad you are feeling better! You have had a crazy busy schedule the last few weeks and have every right to be tired just on THAT account.

Mmm…meat. We should go to a churrascaria when you get home and pump up that iron with all that meaty goodness.

Thanks so much Laurie for both the email and the comment here – I truly appreciate it! And I’m up for dinner anytime!

Jenn, I agree – it does seem crazy, although I guess they don’t consider it an “emergency” surgery normally, so that is why they booked it in November. I don’t know what the solution will be as far as the pills themselves though. I just don’t want to be back where I was earlier this week EVER again!

Oh, Sweetie, I didn’t realize you were getting iron deficient! I have a product for you. I learned about it when Abby was anemic – I have tended towards anemia my whole life. We are eating different now and I got this stuff – Floradix Herbs and Iron, it’s a liquid – completely natural, made from veggies and Abby is all better and now I take it EVERY DAY and feel much, much more energy and stamina. You can get it online or from Sun Harvest or some other health food type store. Try a bottle. trust me. Feel better.

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