See, Naomi? If d.s. would stop trying to convince himself that I don’t like him (because I do like him & find him to be quite funny) and invited me to the party too, then we could have driven over there together to see him & Emster. Because I am one to never turn down a road trip … unless it involves a guy who used to live in Beaumont but is now wandering about the country for training … I will NOT roadtrip to see him. Thanks for lunch yesterday – it was wonderful (or wonferdul as I first started to type, oops!) and I have missed seeing you… we have to keep your days as days so I can see you during the day instead of your night being your day and you being awake while I am asleep. (Whee! That sentence was fun!) Sometimes I just need some quality Naomi time – I always feel so much better afterwards.
One reply on “The Austin Party…”
awwwww! i am feeling the luuuuuuv!