What a great evening! After picking Mike up from the airport at 5pm, we decided to catch the 7:20 show of The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers. WOW! Wow! I mean … WOW! Jason & I rewatched the Fellowship of the Ring (extended version) earlier today, and the second one is just as good as the first! It was so good, I would happily go see it 2 or 3 more times in the theater, at least!
Granted, I’ve never read the books. I have seen a few people say that they were a little disappointed in this one. I don’t agree at all – I loved it! I don’t know if I can stand waiting another year for the third one – I might just have to break down and read all of the books before then!
By the way, the LOTR website has screensavers and wallpapers that you can download. There are pictures of all of the main characters. I’ve saved pictures of Legolas, concept art of various scenes, and Aragorn is now full screen on my desktop… yum.
21 replies on “WOW!”
I have read the books and find it funny how much the ‘purists’ complain. If you directly translated the books to movie form with no alterations, the movies wouldn’t be near as good as they are.
That said, I could have lived without the scene of a shield surfing arrow shooting Legolas. *gnoan*
Yes, that Legolas scene was a bit of a stretch. I thought it looked like he was skateboarding down the steps!
Yeah but film lasts forever — I wish that I had that kind attention span.
The movies are *wonderful*, I think. I’ve not read the books all the way through, but I’m halfway through the Fellowship Of The Ring, and it’s marvelous as well. The thing is, that they’re great in their own ways. Dameleon is right, if they did the movies exactly the way they were written, they would be BOring.
I wish I had a DVD player so I could see the extended version of the first movie…and I also hope that some random people I know want to see The Two Towers again so I can go with them. I’m turning into such the LOTR geek!
hey thanks. am definitely gonna watch it.
i saw the movie, too!!! yesterday, the 12:30 show. i was even willing to watch a second viewing immediately afterwards. and i’m a proud LotR geek, too! 🙂
i’m 2/3s of the way through The Hobbit and loving the book. i saw the cheesy Hobbit cartoon, too… that left nothing to be desired. same with the cheesy LotR/TTT cartoon. i can’t find The Return of the King cartoon in any stores. i found the previous two at Target.
Rickie Beth – you must see the extended version if you can ever get your hands on one… the first time i watched LotR was the extended and then i caught the theater version on cable. even though there’s just a 30 minute difference between the two, it made a big difference in my mind.
Christine & Damelon – i loved the whole Legolas “surfing” down the staircase. i had seen that scene on the WB’s Two Towers preview (which aired a week before the movie came out in the theaters)… that was just ingenious on Peter Jackson’s part… and also when Legolas got on that horse when the wargs came to attack the Rohans.
Christine – when do you want to see it again? 🙂
Those movies rock! We saw TTT a little over a week ago, and I *loved* it. Now I just wish I could watch the third one… NOW. 😉
cheesy shield scene or not, Legolas is still a badass. 🙂
I can’t stop thinking about those movies. Well, Aragorn, really. *sigh* I agree that you must see the extended version if you can. I was fortunate to get a DVD player and the extended version from my sister and brother-in-law for Christmas. I had a great weekend immersed in LOTR!
Why, oh, why must we wait a whole year for Return of the King (and more Aragorn).
My current desktop is Rivendell. I’m a little too embarrassed to have Aragorn on my work desktop, although I plan to change my home desktop to him tonight
My wallpaper & screensaver BOTH are now Aragorn. Aragorn. Yummy yum yum – Aragorn!
Aragorn is so yummy. we saw the movie two weekends ago and I would love to see it again. I have only read the first and third book. Though I know some pople are a little disgruntled about what was left out/changed in the second movie, I personally thought it was really well done.
Hehe, as you noticed, I do have a few small issues with the film, but I still really did enjoy it despite my love of the books. 🙂
Aragorn, yes, agreed he’s yummy, but really, how could you resist this? 😉
my favourite charactor is legalos and frodo i have writtin to eligha woods i have his address i am a big fan of lotr it is the best movie out
I simply ADORE Aragorn
Does any one know frodos e-mail address? its his birthday and i want to send him a card.Anyone know legolases?
Legales is hot but frodo is cute like a boyfriend. Legalos is a wish. an adorable hot movie star. But very down to eart
Aragorn is so hot (in the movie) other than that he looks really old. he plays 87 but i have no idea how old he really is do you
aragorn is the most gorgeous guy since sliced bread :-S. He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy. but viggo mortesen is so ugly. amazing wot make up can do…
I love LOTR. They were my favourite books as a child, and I still love them and the films. I still have a respect for Tolkien as a historian, mythologist and linguist.
Orlando if you are reading this we love you!!!! Although i must say you were so much freakishly hotter as a pirate! (although we still adore your blonde hair and icy blue eyes as an elf)