For what seemed like forever, I felt like a walking medical book. One issue after another, and several of them were were clueless about the cause. One by one, thanks to doctors that I’m very happy with, we have knocked them out. The hand is doing better, and I made it through my “Aran Sweater from the top-down” class with Beth Brown-Reinsel on Tuesday without a hitch. Yeah! (I did ice my thumb down that night, just to be safe.)
The one issue we haven’t resolved though is what was causing the ongoing pain on my right side, just below my ribs. We ruled out gallbladder issues in December, which was the initial suspect. So today was my EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and my Colonoscopy. The prep for those two tests is just tons of fun, let me tell you. Whew! Yesterday was fabulous between the liquid diet and the test prep. Ugh. But it went well, and I now know that I have a hiatal hernia and diverticulosis.
It is nice to finally know something.
I was just thinking yesterday that I felt almost silly going in for this test – ever since my hand surgery, my abdominal pains have been better. Of course, as soon as you think something like that, it starts hurting again. So now we know. My follow-up appointment is at the end of the month, so I’ll know more then. For now, thanks to the side-effects of the anesthesia, I’m going to go and take a nap.
I have photos from the scope, so maybe I’ll scan them later and post them. Of course, I don’t know what anything is yet – but it is still amusing to see what the inside of the stomach looks like. Yum…
4 replies on “The Fun is Finally Over!”
Woo! It has a name! Now you can stop worrying that it was a side effect of the alien abductions.
man…it really has been one thing after another for you, but at least now you know what everything is and can take care of them all.
It sucks that it’s something. But it’s nice sometimes to figure out why you feel like shit.
Get thee fixed up! And glad you got the cast off. Woo!
Glad to hear that you have some answers – now you can deal with it, at least!
And YAY for gettin’ back to knittin’!